“Roaming and termination the duration of periods of trouble for the consumers,” says telecoms expert Ralf Beyeler from the money of the country. His comparison portal, has by the market research Institute Ipsos on a representative survey of 1500 consumers perform.

According to the results of the Swiss perception of the Roaming, in spite of price reductions in the last few years, still considered to be too expensive. In contrast to Switzerland, the European Union has abolished the charges for Calls abroad within their borders.

subscriptions with long minimum run times are also a perennial favorite. Customers rate the termination notice period for Swisscom (6.5 points), and Salt (6.7 points) is particularly critical, both providers still have subscriptions on offer with long minimum run times of 12 or 24 months. Other providers offer in the rule, only rarely contracts with such a long minimum run times.

Eternal Waiting for Support

This is not the only Trouble: The customers are the price-performance and the accessibility of the employees are only moderately satisfied. It looks better, however, with the call quality, network coverage, or the billing for the mobile Internet. Here, there is no cause for criticism.

In General, are a Swiss mobile subscription and Prepaid customers, with your suppliers satisfied. On average, Swiss mobile award radio-customer 7.4 out of 10 points. “However, there are, depending on the provider and service larger differences in satisfaction,” says Ralf Beyeler.

Older customers satisfied

also, was striking in the survey: The satisfaction increases with the age of the customer. The age group between 18 and 25 years, awards an average Satisfaction score of 7.1 points. In the 26 – to 49-Year-olds, this value is 7.2 points and for the oldest age group between 50 and 74 years, significantly higher 7.6 points.

The mobile Internet – especially for the young to be particularly important – a rating of the youngest age group, only 7.6 points, while the rate for 26 – to 49-Year – olds, 7.7 and in the case of the 50-to 74-Year olds was 7.9.

Sunrise in front of Swisscom

According to providers, the Sunrise captured this year, ahead of Swisscom. The highest grades will be awarded from Sunrise customers for the billing, call quality, and overall satisfaction.

The third-largest Swiss mobile-a provider of Salt when it comes to customer satisfaction landed behind major competitors of Sunrise and Swisscom. However, the distance to Swisscom was only small.