at the beginning of July, for the first time sent QR-bills. This new type of Deposit slip to replace in the next few years, all of the previous. Even if the Design is different, it is not necessary to change all of the habits. However, a shift to E-Banking or payment App now has double. VIEW answered all the important questions about the QR account.

What’s new on the new inpayment slip?

The new inpayment slip is a QR invoice and is printed on normal white paper, but still a Perforation, for him to rip it off. You will find continue to all the information so far, so IBAN, reference number, billing address, and so on. In addition, there is a QR-Code. QR stands for “Quick Response”.

This Code can be scanned with a camera and all of the invoice contains the information. In the ideal case, it scans once with the Banking App, the Code and paid the bill with a second click.

I Can’t pay at the post office counter?

However, the Deposit at the post office counter is possible. The same applies if you send your invoices with a payment order to the Bank.

You can detach the QR-account as of the previous payment slips. And also a Receipt for you as in the past, so you can leave the Deposit receipt.

This is important, because even today, 200 million pay slips per year are in Switzerland and processed manually.

What is the QR-account to bring me at all?

As a customer, you are only an advantage if you can scan in the new statement. The VIEW requested by institutions such as cantonal banks, UBS, CS, Raiffeisen, Migros Bank or Postfinance in order to make your Apps and programmes at the beginning of July. So be sure to then make an Update.

With the camera of the Smartphones can then scan it in the Banking App, the QR Code and saves the typing of addresses or reference numbers. With one click, you can pay the invoice immediately or at the specified date.

you Want to keep doing the payments on a PC, you need a special Scanner. For example, the PayEye of Crealogix, which costs around 230 Swiss francs. What is compatible, you have to clarify but not necessarily with the Bank or Postfinance. The tedious typing of the reference number is also still possible.

by the Way: Different banks offer also that you can import PDF invoices directly to the E-Banking and pay, without you to scan. And if the Biller allows, is even a payment with the Twint possible.

Actually, you could read QR Codes with a Webcam. This is the function of but, unfortunately, none of the financial institutions asked unlocked. For more information on the QR account, there is also on the Central website

What happens to the old Slips?

as of 30. June although many companies on the QR account, the old payment slips can be used. How long is still open. Experts be certain of that with at least two years. So there will be a period of time old and new versions at the same time. This is also because many SMEs have not changed their Software yet.

it is Important to adapt gradually the duration of orders and payment templates to the new Format, if necessary.

Unclear is the future of the neutral Deposit is certificates. They are earlier, more available, and should be replaced. This is important, because you can attach the QR bill no comments hand-written more.

new fees to Come up with the new bill to me?

no. Both Postfinance as well as requested to assure the big banks that the fees will not be changed at the Start of the QR-bills. You can pay on all kinds of still free. If, however, at the post office is paid, is debited to the receiver however, as previously, for a fee.

I Can send myself a QR invoices for deposits?

Yes, many banks offer in your Banking Software. So you can generate your own invoices and print them as PDF or send it via email. Also, the Postfinance is planning a QR Generator intrude.

Why do we need a new paying-in slip?

Today, there are notes of seven different Deposit – the most famous are the orange and red pay-in slip. All of them will be replaced by the QR-invoice, which reduces the burden for all sides.

A big advantage is also that with the Scan of QR Codes, the error rate in Detecting falls. Although you could also scan tickets already Deposit, but not everything worked and you had to type in manually.

The improved data quality is also issue for banks and companies, the invoices and process, a big advantage. QR-invoices can now be on white paper with Perforation, printed and are in need of pre-printed” bills in different colors.

But also the processes of payment processing in the Background were digitalized and modernized. Important, for example, in order to meet international Standards in the area of money laundering.

the aim of the financial institutions, it is, in the longer term, as far as possible on the eBill to change. So, on the digital bill, which is integrated directly into the E-Banking System.

the QR-account safe?

Neither Six, which has developed on behalf of the national Bank, the new payment solution, nor the banks or Postfinance expect major problems in the changeover.

however, It is recommended be sure to check the scanned contents against the final payment. So if the same recipient has been reading about the QR Code on the Deposit slip is printed. This is especially important when using PDF sent invoices, which are easier to manipulate.

Originally, they wanted to start two years ago with a QR Code on the normal pay-in slip. The attempt flopped, however, because the Code was too small. Instead of a semi-finished product on a not-yet-developed infrastructure, everything was developed from scratch.