The European Commission is “disappointed” at the way in which the social network Twitter has responded to disinformation in recent months, while it has warned the microblogging platform now directed by Elon Musk that freedom of expression is not “unlimited” in the European Union.

“We have had intense discussions for years, Twitter is a signatory to the (voluntary) code of conduct regarding disinformation and we are disappointed by the January data,” explained the vice president of the Community Executive responsible for the rule of law, in an interview with Europe Press and the rest of the European agencies that make up the ‘European Newsroom.

The vice president has expressed concern about the fact that companies that in the past did understand the “philosophy” of the Community Executive regarding the need to act forcefully against the dissemination of false information or hoaxes are being “lost”.

In this sense, Jourova wanted to emphasize that “fighting against disinformation is not censorship” and has shown herself, from a “personal” point of view, “increasingly uncomfortable” with Twitter and the way in which it allows them to spread on the Internet. network “aggressive and unregulated Russian propaganda”.

Although Jourova has wanted to be cautious regarding the tensions with Elon Musk and the changes that he has introduced in the social network, Jourova has considered that there is still “room for dialogue” and “room for manoeuvre” to correct the data of recent months regarding the inaction of Twitter against the dissemination of hoaxes before the Audiovisual Services Law fully entered into force.

Aware that the code of conduct against hoaxes is not binding, Jourova has pointed out that the Audiovisual Services Law will soon enter into force, which includes sanctions and other measures for those who systematically violate the new regulations.

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