If you don’t already know yet, it’s crucial to understand search engine optimization (SEO) so you can increase your traffic and brand awareness significantly. This is because thousands of people are already looking for product or service offerings and content like yours, and if you took advantage of SEO, those thousands can be directed to your page!

Note that 80% of website traffic would begin from search queries, based on HubSpot. With that in mind, it’s one of the many reasons why SEO is vital. However, it takes tons of research, experimenting, and effort to stay on top of SEO. Don’t worry, as all the work you put into this will be worth it in the long run, with the first step being to learn all about the right SEO techniques to perform NOW and in the future years.

With Google’s algorithms constantly changing, it’s best to stay updated and follow the latest SEO techniques, and not (just) the ones that have been around since SEO even became a thing.

But wait, what are these SEO techniques? I consolidated all the different transformational SEO techniques from experts of Adwords such as Joel house. All these techniques can help improve your site’s organic traffic in the next years, so read on!

SEO Techniques for Better Organic Traffic

Did you know that people use Google to conduct more than 3.5 billion searches daily? Almost 80% of people use search engines daily to research products and services before actually getting them.

If your website ranks on the first page of the search engine’s search results, you get even more visibility. As a result, you get more traffic, conversions, and eventually more revenue!

With that in mind, where can you begin? These are SEO techniques you should consider the following:

  1. Perform an SEO Audit on Your Website

When you audit your website, it will help you discover the reason why you aren’t getting the traffic and sales you need. While a lot of SEO companies offer SEO audits, you can perform it yourself and save money.

There are tools you can use to conduct site audits, which can help you know what to improve on and recommendations on what to do.

You can also do it on your own without the tools. When performing an SEO audit, look for the following:

  • Do all website pages have the right SEO meta titles and descriptions?
  • Are all your webpages optimized for the right SEO keywords (without keyword stuffing)?
  • Is your website URL structure optimized for search engines? URLs need to be short and simple, easy for search engines to know what webpages are all about.
  • Are all your webpages and blog posts formatted properly?
  • Do all the images contain keywords in its ALT tags?
  • Do you use links in your website content?
  1. What Do Your Users Want?

Google is a data company, not an advertising company. All devices, platforms, and tools designed has one purpose, and that is to obtain data from users so it can build an even stronger search engine.

With that said, focus on what your target customers need and want. Once you know this, you will know what content to create and publish, which will draw even more visitors in.

Listen to feedback from target customers and learn more about the public’s opinions, as they are the ones who determine which articles, ideas, concepts, and products that are funded and/or shared.

You can get to learn more about what your users want through social media platforms, researching on the most popular pages from Google Analytics, see posts that receive the most shares, and to listen to visitors when they comment on your blog posts.

  1. Have a Mobile-Friendly Website

It’s now even more important that your website not only looks great but performs excellently on all devices, especially mobile! Google introduced a new update on its search algorithm last May 2016, which would boost organic search result rankings to mobile-friendly and responsive websites.

Why? This is because more than 60% of daily searches are performed using a mobile device!

Having your website become mobile-friendly isn’t just a feature, but an absolute necessity. No one would wait for more than a few seconds or want to deal with slow and non-responsive websites that would be too hassling to navigate using a mobile phone.

You can tell if your website is mobile-friendly or not by using free tools and then improving it with an all-new or improved design that requires just a few tweaks.

  1. Research for Keywords Well

I recommend that you research your competitors and find out the keywords you use. Spy on the exact keywords used so you can use them to create even better content. You can do this by signing up for all your competitors’ newsletters to find out their marketing strategies and content, or using competitor analysis tools.

Once you know what keywords to use, you also have ideas for content. Spin content around the keyword and make it more unique, interesting, and informative compared to your competitors. This won’t only make visitors more inclined to check you out, but search engines may even rank you higher than who you’re up against! Just make sure that you also place keywords wisely, use correct back linking strategies, and do proper research for the best content.

Wrapping It Up

While there are more things to look into when it comes to conversion optimization, it’s best to get started with Sunshine Coast SEO. Make sure that you take advantage of the benefits it offers so you can get ahead of the competition and become more visible to thousands, if not millions of searchers wanting to see content like yours.

I hope that these SEO techniques inspired you to try any improving your SEO, or starting your efforts now. So, don’t wait any longer and begin your journey towards getting even better organic traffic with these tips today.

If you have any questions or want to share your tips and experience on SEO, share it in the comments below! All your thoughts are much appreciated. Or you can find a local seo company or you can check Local SEO services London