The AfD group chairman, Alexander Gaula, has relativized time of National Socialism in Germany and thus triggered outrage. “Hitler and Nazis are only a bird in over 1,000 years of successful German history,” said Gaulandbeim federal Congress of AfD Youth organization Young Alternative in Thuringian Seebach.

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This acclaimed movement fell to responsibility of Germans for National Socialism from 1933 to 1945 after a commitment from Gaula. Again and again, AfD caused excitement through ses to deal with German history.

CDU general Secretary Annegret Kramp-cart builder wrote on Twitter: “50 million war victims, Holocaust and total war for AfD and Gaula only a” bird scare “! That’s how party looks behind a bourgeois mask. ” SPD general secretary Lars Klingbeil tweeted: “This is a frightening downplaying of national socialism. It is a shame that such types sit in German Bundestag. ” Phrases like this are “no slips but system”, Green Chairman Robert Habeck also wrote on Twitter. “The curve of AfD of euro critical of xenophobic to populist is steep and slope.”

“More than just a derailment”

Also GrünenfraktionschefinKatrin Göring-Eckardt practised criticism: “It is a incredible blow insGesicht of all survivors of Holocaust, ir Nachfahrenund relatives,” she told newspapers of Spark Media Group. “Our German history has shown wieNationalismus, hatred and incitement lead to abyss.” The parliamentary director of FDP Bundestag group, Marco Buschmann, said: “This comparison is a lack of taste and more than just a derailment.”

Saxony’s prime minister, Michael Kretschmer, advised in dispute with right-wing populist AfD on factual arguments mixed with a dash of irony. Saxony has experience with parties to right of Union. “The NPD was twice in Saxon Landtag. We also had to adjust to aggressiveness, breaking with conventions and volume, “he told World on Sunday. “We were able to disenchant NPD politically, and in AfD we are on a good path.”

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The parliamentary director of Left faction, Jan Korte, said: “Twelve years of German history, in which Germany is responsible for 55Millionen deaths in World War II, industrial assassination of over 6Millionen innocent women, men and children was to call ‘ bird-freak ‘, is cynical and forgotten history. ” In se twelve years SeiDeutschland have been responsible for deaths of more people than in AllenEpochen before.

“We have a glorious history”

Gaula had said in Seebach about Nazi period: “Only those who profess history have power to shape future.” And, “Yes, we are committed to responsibility for twelve years.” The party and Bundestag Group chairman in Bundestag also made it clear that this was only a part of German history: We have a glorious history – and those, dear friends, took longer than damned twelve years.

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Thuringia’s party and Bundestag group chief Björn Höcke, who was also a guest of Federal Congress of Young alternative, had taken over last year with call for a “memorial change of 180 degrees” for debates. A parteiaus closing procedure against Höcke, which had already been initiated by former federal Executive Board under n AfD boss Frauke Petry, has since been terminated by Thuringian arbitration Tribunal. Höcke is not excluded.