According to a report, German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) has been informed since last year about Overdemand in Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). The n head of administration Frank-Jürgen Manner had informed her 2017 twice in direct conversation about maladministration of authority and in asylum management, reports picture on Sunday, citing confidential documents.

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Thus, it was wise to analyze conditions in bamf. According to BamS, one of papers from beginning of 2017 says that DieLeitung “has never experienced such a schlechtenZustand of an authority in her professional experience.” The bamf had taken over at request of Merkel in September 2015 and 2016geleitet until end of December.

In his report, refore, re was a clear criticism of Federal ministry, Demdas bamf. He referred to shortcomings in processing of data and in deangesichtsdieses and process organisation, and wrote that it was not possible to explain how state of bamf could be assumed to be presumed to be erheblichenZuwachs of refugees. Bewerkstelligenkönnte “. According to Bild on Sunday, Wise sent report to Ministry of Interior, which confirmed a spokeswoman.

Accusations against federal government

The Mirror also cites a report from 2017, in which way federal government makes serious accusations. “The crisis was avoidable,” paper says. A functioning controlling could have already given an early warning in year 2014. The authority would have been able to react in good time. However, re has been an organisational failure in crisis and a factual bankruptcy of bamf. “There was no effective supervision by competent ministry,” says Spiegel in paper.

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The bamf is currently in a massive criticism. In April it was known that Bremen branch between 2013 and 2016 should have granted asylum applications wrongly in at least 1,200 cases. As Mirror reports, seven executives are expected to have already 2014 experienced that re were massive irregularities in office of Bremen.