
  • Page 1 — scandal or pragmatism?
  • Page 2 — “Bremen is a special place”
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    At last Bremen is allowed to mingle. Since scandal surrounding branch of Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) had broken out in mid-April, country’s politics had only been allowed to take on a role of an irritated commentator at edge: helpless, angry, disgruntled. That under guidance of branch manager Ulrike B. Depending on coverage 1,167 or 3,332, in any case quite a lot of asylum notices, may have been issued wrongly, who would have guessed?

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    No one had any insight into events in town hall, but no control powers at all. But image damage is feared: “How Bremen is glued back to cheek” is heard from Senate circles, “is really a huge mess”. Interior Senator Ulrich Mäurer (SPD) complained about “Unteriridische information policy” of Confederation and spoke of a “million damage” that arose somewhere.

    Now, however, Müller’s central Antikorruptionsstelle (ZAK) is allowed to intervene, an elite force of Bremen state Police, which has achieved spectacular results in investigation of bribery against armaments industry. Toger with federal police and 70 controllers, ZAK will examine all 18,000 positive asylum notices issued by Bremen branch office since year 2000. This is a result of crisis meeting of President Jutta Cordt, state secretary Helmut Teichmann from Federal Ministry and Thomas Ehmke, Bremer State Council of Interior senator, on Friday.

    “Refugees for second time victim”

    However, it has not been conclusively clarified how decision of Minister of Interior will affect fact that branch office should no longer decide any cases. Although branch office bad Fallingbostel should now register Bremen cases and re will be a shuttle bus for applicants. But anyone who reports in 3,000 pending disputes for bamf before administrative Court of Bremen remains uncertain. “In this way, fugitives threaten to become a victim for second time,” says Marc Millies from Bremer Refugee Council. It is also “significant that only positive decisions are examined”.

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    It is certain that a team with as much concentrated testing competence as Bremen Zak-BAMF taskforce will encounter abnormalities. Anything else would be surprising in view of overload of bamf in last three years. Since 2015, not only a million refugees have come to Germany. During this time, bamf has also been expanded from a manageable institution to a large authority with 7,300 employees – with all faults that this entails.

    Simplified procedures

    Thus, pressure that every clerk should make 3.5 decisions per day is a breakdown. In addition, discretionary powers granted by consultation procedure have been extended since 2015. In November 2015, n federal Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière (CDU), for example, shared: Asylum procedures of Syrian and Iraqi applicants jesidischen or Christian faith have been prioritised by bamf since 18 November 2014 in a Simplified procedure. ” In Iraq, a genocide of se religious minorities had been signed at latest since 2012, committed by militias of “Islamic State”.

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    What is called “simplified procedures” has been scientifically examined by Janne Grote. He is researching bamf for international migration and migration management. Such procedures would include “temporary suspension of hearing” and “decision on applications by means of a questionnaire”. The written procedure, however, brings “new challenges with regard to retroactive recognition of treatment” and gaps in passport registration. These are precisely accusations that are now being made by Bremen branch, because it had exploited scope for manoeuvre in doubt for refugees. For example, mirror, suspended head of branch office, Government director Ulrike B., has made decisions without listening to asylum seekers, clarifying identities, fingerprinting or checking passports for aunticity.

    Is that what happened in Bremen, a scandal, a pragmatic access in difficult times or a question of attitude? of anything.