The Staff Council of Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) criticized former and current management of authority. Under direction of Frank-Jürgen manner, “speed of care” had been put, said head of overall GPR, Rudolf Scheinost. This has caused erroneous asylum decisions. In a letter to current head of bamf Jutta Cordt, Scheinost said: The current leadership is also responsible for plight of bamf. The bamf had headed in peak of refugee crisis from September 2015 to end of 2016. Since beginning of 2017 Cordt leads authority.

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In April of this year it was known that Bremen branch should have granted asylum between 2013 and 2016 in at least 1,200 cases, without sufficient basis. Federal Criminal Police Office and constitutional Protection should also be included in investigation of Public Prosecutor’s office.

Because of scandal, German asylum authority is not only in public criticism. Even internally, mood is bad. This testifies a letter to leadership of authority from which Süddeutsche Zeitung cites. According to GPR chief Rudolf Scheinost and his vice-President Paul Müller, many employees would have no understanding that, following discovery of Causa in Bremen, it would be as mangle as at will to draw necessary conclusions.

Scheinost and Müller appeal to Cordt to make a fresh start toger with employees. For this, asylum procedures since 2015 must be carefully reviewed and persons responsible for irregularities identified. “In this context, so-called executives and not instructions-dependent employees of Federal Office have to be in spotlight,” demanded head of Personnel Council.

BAMF-Boss Cordt has to ask questions of MEPs on this Tuesday in internal committee of Bundestag. Also in special session is asked federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU), who is to explain how many false asylum notices bamf has exhibited in recent years. On Monday, Seehofer had promised to clarify matter “without regard to institutions and persons”. He also wants to have randomly checked asylum notices nationwide.

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The BAMF-Staff Council expressed himself not only in dealing with scandal, but also on its supposed cause. According to SZ, Scheinost and Müller, bamf employees would be subjected to a blanket suspicion, in bamf reign incompetence and arbitrariness. It is responsibility of above to ensure that cases are given priority until today; Quality will be “completely subordinate”, it says in letter. This led to deliberately taking restrictions on rule of law when processing asylum applications.

Scheinost admitted to German press agency that Bremen case had a “personal dimension” without question. He referred to n head of Bremen branch, Ulrike B., against whom Public Prosecutor’s Office Bremen determined. Or defendants include lawyers and an interpreter who has now been dismissed.

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From perspective of tunes, decisions from time under policy of authorities were suffering nationwide. Previously, Scheinost had already accused ex-BAMF chief in newspapers of Funke Media Group of having authority trimmed to “market-economic benchmarks”. On fundamental right to asylum was decided as on assembly line. Now we are paying bill for this government policy with many court rulings against decisions and breakdowns, errors and irregularities in field offices.

Manner replied in Rhenish post on criticism. There were two factors for an OVERBAMF of Council: a large number of refugees in a very short period of time and an authority that had not been set up in any way. Our crisis management has led bamf to have a chance to meet requirements, said wisely. The statement of Personnel Council is clear attempt to return to old structures.

Government spokesman Steffen Sally defended way against criticism. He had come to bamf in an exceptional situation and did a lot to overcome challenges.