BayernsMinisterpräsident Markus Söder (CSU) demands that Germany rejects asylum seekers with no chance of being able to stay in border. “If someone vonvornherein clear that he has no chance of staying here, I would reject him at border,” Söder said.

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“Daswäre is best way to distinguish between someone who has einenklaren claim, and someone who wants to go to Germany for or reasons,” Söder said. In such cases ” State must be able to apply a decision”. And it would be “a signal to tugs and smugglers”.

Seehofer presents master plan for Migration on Tuesday

On Monday wants to present his master plan ZurAsylpolitik to federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU). The plan will, among or things, intensify border protection and dieRückführung of rejected asylum seekers. The package includes 63Maßnahmen.

A central project Seehoferssind so-called anchor centres for asylum seekers. There, Flüchtlingekünftig should be accommodated from arrival to decision on ir asylum application. In many federal states re are erheblicheVorbehalte against it.

EU Budget Commissioner Günr Oettinger (CDU) warnteSeehofer fact that it may be premature to dismiss refugees at Germany’s borders. “It would be good if Germany, before taking unilateral action, would wait for reform of Dublin Regulation to come to Brussels,” Oettinger said to editorial network Germany (RND).

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It is true to return step by step to principle of DerDublin regulation and to adapt rules to NeuenVerhältnisse at same time: “In plans of Horst Seehofer, Esentscheidend comes to timetable for implementation,” said Oettinger. After Dublin procedures, asylum seekers must be registered in country in Demsie EU first entered.