Ethylalcohol poor performance of SPD in Bundestag election in September, external Expertenunter Ors make lack of clear leadership structures and too little Teamworkverantwortlich. This is what SPD party and Bundestag group leader Andrea Nahles said to mirror, citing an analysis of a working group commissioned by SPD. On basis of numerous interviews and data evaluations, working group around Denfrüheren Spiegel-journalist Horad Knaup, SPD-EuropawahlkampfleiterMichael Rür and campaign expert Frank Damme have reasons for 20, 5Prozent in Bundestag election Analyzed. The report is to be presented this morning at Willy Brandt House.

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A concrete problem was organization of Parteizentralegewesen, Nahles said: “In Willy Brandt House re were no clear management structures, too little teamwork. The right hand often did not know what left wants. ” Nahles added that it had not been eineeinzelne person at helm responsible for misery. “Schuldzuweisungenwären comfortable. Then you checked thing out and you don’t have to change anything. Daslässt This report, re will be nothing glossed over. ” Even before summer break, party headquarters was rebuilt, announced Nahles.

“There were no clear messages”

In addition, clear messages were missing, SPD did not dissolve its internenWidersprüche, said Nahles. ” The comrades at info booths did not know: What are five goals we are fighting for? “

The SPD chief announced that she would now dissolve DieWidersprüche in refugee policy, for example. “I Daranarbeite systematically.” The SPD would “realistically and without resentment answer questions that actually stand. With a clear commitment to fundamental right to asylum, but also with a clear view of what we need to do to enforce our rule of law principles too. ” She also specifically referred to deportations. “We cannot give impression that one can easily remain in Germany if application for asylum has been rejected. It would be fatal if you did not pronounce it just because you are afraid to have heard this sentence before on any right, “said Nahles.

Nahles said social policy “is and remains a very important issue” for SPD. There is something wrong, “if we have excellent legal rights in our welfare state, but those concerned will experience it as an obstacle course and curbing if y want to come to justice.” The system has become so complex that hardly any of m have any more insight. Go beyond Hartz IV. “Our response should refore be greater. We need to clean up social system and design it to fulfil its purpose: to ensure social security, “said SPD chief.

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When asked if she had ever been afraid, SPD could fall apart like Socialists in France, Nahles replied: “Of course! I brace myself every day against it. Anyone who does not recognize seriousness of situation has not heard shot. “

SPD will nominate Chancellor candidates earlier

The SPD Willaußerdem IhreKanzlerkandidaten nominate early in order to better set up for election campaign. “We want top candidacy earlier and Geordnetererklären, as it has been case so far,” said Andrea Nahles in Berlin. The SPD had “made same mistake more than once”. The long-left candidate question was a cardinal problem, in report of external Working Group. The SPD was not capable of campaigning, and it was not recognizable what party was for.

A “relentless analysis” is expected by SPD-federal French Foreign Legion Niels Annen. “We need m too,” said Hamburg Bundestag deputy and Minister of State in Foreign Office of German Press agency. Only such a reworking offers chance “to rid us of suspicion that we are just going to continue as before”.  The bad poll values of party – most recently SPD was below 20 percent nationwide – will help annen with projects such as bridge part-time or so-called “one-for-all” lawsuit. “Our handwriting in government action will become very clear in next few weeks,” he announced.