US president Donald Trump and North Korean head of state Kim Jong Un will start ir summit meeting in Singapore with a conversation in private. This is reported by Reuters news agency, citing US government circles. According to this, only interpreters will be present in first two hours if two politicians meet at hotel Capella at 3.00 p.m. (CEST) on island of Sentosa. The consultants will n be added.

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The meeting between Trump and Kim is first ever between a US president and a North Korean ruler. The US government hopes to be able to move North Korea to nuclear disarmament in long term. Kim was known for denuclearization of Korean peninsula in run-up to summit. But it was unclear what exactly he meant by that. He also demanded security guarantees from United States for possible dismantling of his nuclear program.

From US government circles, sentiment on American side was equally marked by optimism and scepticism. “There is no scenario that would surprise us,” it said. North Korean state media spoke of a summit that was part of a “transformed era”. According to state news agency KCNA, it is a “permanent and stable mechanism for peacekeeping”. Kim is accompanied by Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho, Defense Minister no Kwang Chol and his sister Kim Yo Jong.

Trump, who travelled with Foreign minister Mike Pompeo, National Security advisor John Bolton and chief of staff John Kelly, flew directly from controversial G7 meeting in Canada to Singapore on Sunday. The US president was confident. “It’s great to be in Singapore. Anticipation is in air, “he tweeted from his hotel, just a few yards away from Kim’s accommodation. “I just think it’s going to be fine,” Trump said later and is well-prepared for meeting, at least according to his foreign minister. Most recently, Trump had throttled expectations of meeting. This first conversation was beginning of a longer process, he had said.