BundeskanzlerinAngela Merkel (CDU) congratulated Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğanzu on his re-election. “Germany and Türkeiverbindet a long-standing friendship,” it says in IhremRegierungsschreiben. “I look forward to furr promoting and ‘ messages intuition toger with you cooperation between our countries.”

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In her letter, Chancellor commends Turkish contribution ZurBewältigung so-called refugee crisis. “The upheavals in near Ostenund resulting escape movements affect our two states in a significant way,” writes Merkel. Turkey has shown GroßeVerantwortung, praising Chancellor with a view to receiving VonMillionen refugees from Syria and Iraq. Germany wants to be a partner of a stable undpluralistischen turkey “in which democratic Teilhabeund will be strengned in order to uphold rule of law”.

Erdoğan was AmSonntag elected president again in first ballot. Election observers had reported irregularities in presidential and Parlamentswahlenjedoch.

After now GeltendenVerfassungsänderungen, Erdoğan now has more power than ever: President takes over leadership of Government, as office DesMinisterpräsidenten is abolished. In addition, state supreme major decrees may partially circumvent parliament. At present in Turkeyand also following coup attempt of 2016 VerhängteAusnahmezustand with considerable restrictions of bürgerlichenFreiheiten.