The minimum wage should be increased as of 2019. To this end, competent commission from representatives of employers, trade unions and science will present its recommendation at noon. As this results from DerErhöhung of collective wage, according to statistical office DerMindestlohn would have to rise from currently 8.84 euro to 9.19 euro gross per hour.

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The trade unions demand a “regular surcharge”, which goes beyond this 9.19 euro. The social association VdKfindet value too low. “The Unternehmenmüssen finally take ir employees to economic upturn,” said VdK president Verena Bailey. Accordingly, level of minimum wage must be secured, dassVollzeitbeschäftigte for ir livelihoods and a AngemesseneAlterssicherung above basic level of protection. “We need a minimum wage, over 12 euros is to fight poverty effectively,” said Bailey. Employers, on or hand, warn against significantly increasing minimum wage.

Hubertus Heil proceeds from a “vigorous increase”

In its proposal, has tobe minimum Wage Commission should consider minimal protection of workers and FaireWettbewerbsbedingungen. In addition, jobs must not be jeopardised. The Commission has some leeway here. Thus Wurdebei of last increase included an already agreed but not yet wirksamerTarifabschluss in public service. This is calculated again for now AnstehendeEmpfehlung.

The increase in minimum wage must be decreed by federal government by regulation – Wobeisich is usually addressed in accordance with Commission proposal. BundesarbeitsministerHubertus Heil (SPD) said that in view of good economic Lagevon it is a “vigorous increase”. In addition, SchärfereKontrollen announced duty to comply with Mindestlohnsdurch.

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The minimum wage was at instigation of SPD from last major Koalitioneingeführt. It applies to all adult workers, except fürLangzeitarbeitslose after working in first six months, apprentices, compulsory internships or internships under three months. The job losses predicted by representatives from economy and economics are bisherausgeblieben. Neverless, employers often try to circumvent minimum wage.