Europasgrößter London Heathrow Airport to get a third runway. With 415 to 119Stimmen voted lower house deputies for approximately 14 billion pound project. However, expansion of airport is Äußerstumstritten – even within government of expansionist Theresa May.Es is expected that vote will be legal disputes according to Sichzieht.

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Bereitsseit decades re are plans and studies to expand Flughafenkapazitätim souast of England. Prime Minister may argues that a ZusätzlicheStartbahn in Heathrow would boost economy, while proving a British commitment to more world trade and internationaleVerkehrsanbindungen in times of Brexits.

Environmental organisations want to oppose development actions

Umweltschützerund residents in vicinity of airport, however, fear pollution, noise and damage to communities. So UmweltschutzvereinigungFriends of Earth called project “morally reprehensible”. According to DerOrganisation, an upgraded airport would be just as much CO2 ausstoßenwie whole of Portugal. Greenpeace, Environmental protection organization, shared desire to move to courts in development of airport.

London’s mayor Sadiq Khan is also opposed to an expansion of VonHeathrow and announced that he would join a lawsuit by municipalities against expansion. By Heathrow, London was already more exposed to aircraft noise than Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, Munich and Madrid, he said. In addition, Khan argued that GiftigeEmissionen project would push through legally permissible limit values.

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PremierministerinMay had promoted project in Parliament. However, with Foreign Minister Boris Johnson sits one of schärfstenKritiker of expansion in ir own government. Johnson, who represents near GelegenenWahlkreis Uxbridge and South Ruislip as a member, had once declared that he wanted to throw himself in front of bulldozers in order to prevent expansion of airport. On Monday, however, Johnson was not in Parliament, but on a trip abroad in Afghanistan.

His absence remained hidden from opposition. Labour chief Jeremy Corbyn encouraged Johnson to resign. “If he is not able to be present, n we must ask question, what in world does he funand when he represents?” said Corbyn. During debate echoed “where-is-Boris?” -Rufedurchs Plenary session. In a letter to EveningStandard newspaper, Johnson Council members SeinemWahlkreis that his whereabouts in cabinet allowed him to continue fighting against Startbahnzu.