US President Donald Trump has countered famous photo of him and Chancellor Angela Merkel in circle of G7 politicians at summit in Canada with an alternative picture selection. On his Twitter account, Trump published several photos of same scene: on one of m, Merkel and Canada’s prime Minister Justin Trudeau smile, while Trump pat Chancellor’s hand.

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Last week, federal government had published a photo on which Merkel was standing and bending over a document with a serious mien – Trump, also with a serious eye and arms folded over her chest. Had made photo Jesco Denzel, a photographer of Federal Publications Office. The photo was spread all over world and documented in eyes vielerBetrachter opposition trumps against rest of G7 in trade policy, as well as its general isolation among heads of State and Government.

I have a great relationship with Angela Merkel of Germany, but fake news media only shows bad photos (implying anger) of negotiating an agreement-where I am asking for things that no or American president would ask for!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 15, 2018

For Trump, reception of photo is an opportunity to complain again about his view of unfair reporting. “I have a great relationship with Angela Merkel,” he tweeted. “But fake news media only show bad photos (which imply annoyance) of negotiations on an agreement in which I asked for things that no or US president would have asked before me.”

It is not uncommon for official press agencies to publish pictures of major political events that put ir own head of government in favorable light. The Élysée Palace, for example, published images of identical scene of G7 summit, in which not Angela Merkel or Donald Trump, but Emmanuel Macron is at heart of picture.

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G7Charlevoix, deuxième jour: une nouvelle étape est franchie. Après une longue journée de travail et de dialogue très direct, nous recherchons activement un accord ambitieux.

— Emmanuel Macron (@EmmanuelMacron) June 9, 2018