
  • Page 1 — again in campaign mode
  • Page 2 — Macron will not admit any errors
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    This is not a good rentrée for Emmanuel Macron. The return from summer holidays, which is celebrated in France like a change of year, and se days is connected with best wishes for restart, was thoroughly wrong for France’s head of state. First, gloomy inkling of certainty that economy is growing much less than expected this year, Environment Minister Nicolas Hulot, who was popular with French, also came back. Out of frustration at lack of support of President, as he himself said.

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    Hulot announced his resignation live on radio without Macron warn. He n accused president of en passerby of giving more voice to lobbyists than democracy would allow. The news has already been circulating that France will not meet its self-imparted targets for new debt in this year or next, and that it is likely to be a furr highlight in eurozone.

    “He ate his white bread” is a phrase in France when someone has seen better days. In Office of Head of State, Macron is not alone with experience of an empty plate. All presidents since Charles de Gaulle have lost popularity in first devote. The fact that Macron is currently only better off with 34 percent approval than its direct predecessor, François Hollande and par with Nicolas Sarkozy, should also be due to rapid conclusions of media. In past decades, de Gaulle, Pompidou and Co. have been able to rely on fact that citizens were given political analyses of events of previous day, well-tempered for breakfast. Affairs such as security officer Alexandre Benalla, who was in charge of Macron brutal, or Minister of Culture Françoise Nyssen, who was asked to have several black buildings, would not have come to light.

    Hardly any president, expectations were greater

    Heavier than its predecessors, however, is that expectations of Macron are so much greater and that after decades of waiting and postponing, country is facing a feat of reform. The reform of unemployment insurance, pensions and health system are just some of projects that will be launched this autumn. It is a bad thing that victims already demanded by French in terms of flexibilisation of labour market, reduction of corporate taxes and deletion of wealth tax, which has been undertaken by much criticism, are now not immediately promised recovery. The swear word from “President of rich” remains with head of state as bad luck. Also in European politics, a focus of Macron’s election campaign, president seems to be able to barely align himself with an opponent’s supremacy.

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    “The political equation that made macron an equally young and efficient designer of future, a synsis of best ideas of political left and right, will probably not come up,” says Michel Wieviorka, director of studies at French Elite University of Social Sciences EHESS. “Many voters want Macron’s success. They see, however, that he is increasingly struggling to implement new policy style under which he has entered sign, “says Wieviorka. The French expected reforms, “but above all, a thrust that unites efforts and good intentions.” They were afraid to be disappointed on this point. According to Wieviorka, affairs of Benalla and Nyssen undermine moral integrity for which President did not want to stand before.