
  • Page 1 — can Horst Seehofer renounce Italy?
  • Page 2 — even heater is not dissatisfied
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    Super optimistic, you might call Angela Merkel’s state of mind this Friday in Brussels. It has been clear for two weeks that Chancellor could not only loss group fellowship with CSU, but also government coalition – depending on what she can present after EU summit of CSU. But after meeting in Brussels, Merkel is convinced: “If all this is implemented, n this is more than effective, n this is a really substantial step forward.” The same is condition of ir CSU Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, so that he dismisses rejection of refugees on German-Austrian border.

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    But where does this optimism come from? In her view, Merkel brings a large asylum package from Brussels to Seehofer. It consists of two parts: a comprehensive solution at EU level, which provides asylum centres in North Africa and even in EU, as well as more external border guards, more money and quicker asylum procedures.

    But re is also a tailor-made solution for Germany and Seehofer: The new Spanish premier Pedro Sánchez and Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras declare mselves ready to flee refugees already registered in Spain and Greece and The German-Austrian border. To this end, countries are committed in principle – but underlying Dublin rules provide for an elaborate test procedure: Germany must first submit a request for repatriation in Madrid and Ans, which will in turn be signed by Spain and Greece Checked until authority has given its consent – or not at end.

    15 per cent of all asylum procedures are such redeployments. And y should now go much faster because governments in Ans and Madrid have pledged to take se refugees back directly and quickly. In return, Spain and Greece will receive more financial support and more envoys, especially Greece for its refugee accommodations on islands. Merkel also said that refugees from Greece and Spain should be brought “gradually to Germany” in context of family reunification. According to Tsipras, Germany has pledged to advance processing of 2,900 requests for family reunification of refugees. In addition, federal government wants to examine hundreds more cases in a positive way, according to Greek head of government.

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    In addition, Germany wants to take greater account of its direct neighbouring countries. In near future, Merkel intends to conclude bilateral agreements with a “large number of neighbouring countries” so that y will take back already registered refugees more quickly. After all, EU’s neighbours are certainly safe countries of origin, since a rapid repatriation must also be possible, Chancellor argues. In this context, it explicitly mentions France, but Denmark and Poland are also in discussion. Merkel wants to change an article in Asylum Act so that rapid returns can be made re.

    Missing: Italy

    However, Chancellor has not achieved a decisive point: she has not been able to include Italy in her Extradeal. But this is crucial when it comes to redeployments, because most of refugees arriving at German-Austrian border have first entered EU in Italy – at least since Balkan route is closed. The new Italian Government, under Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, wants to put an end to years of practice that migrants and refugees arriving in Italy must also be supplied in Italy. Therefore it would have been very surprising if Conte had returned to Rome with announcement that he would take back refugees from Germany. This would hardly have been supported by his right-hand national Interior Minister Matteo Salvini. “I have not concluded any agreements with Chancellor on withdrawal of migrants,” said Conte on Friday in Brussels. He has always made it clear that it is first of all needed to overcome Dublin system. “Once that is done, we can – sometime – talk about such agreements.”

    On Friday evening, Merkel will now inform her coalition partners in Berlin about results from Brussels. It is quite possible that re will already be an agreement in so-called asylum dispute between CDU and CSU, even if it is not yet clear how this could look exactly.

    Even with EU agreement, one is at least not dissatisfied with CSU – and re is still no mention of bilateral agreements in this. For first time in a long time, Christian society sent more conciliatory notes: Manfred Weber, group leader of conservative European People’s Party (EPP) and CSU Vice-Chairman, found that Europe had made a “big step”. Bundestag group vice-president Hans Michelbach spoke of a “positive signal” on Friday morning.