After bitter union dispute over asylum policy, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) receives positive signals from her group for results she has achieved at EU summit. CSU vice-president Manfred Weber said to Munich Mercury: “She has delivered”. The summit is a big step. Europe remains ” continent of humanity, but we take care of external border for order. I read a lot of CSU politics. ” This was implemented by Merkel in Brussels.

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Weber called on his party to make a positive assessment of decisions. “The CSU has shaken Europe vigorously. This is a great success, “stressed European politician. “If we now show that we are fulfilling se papers with life, we gain confidence of people of Europe.”

Union Bundestag group chief Volker Kauder welcomed EU summit decisions of Brussels as a surprisingly comprehensive result. “Such a result was not to be expected weeks ago,” said CDU politician of Rheinische Post. Merkel has “pushed this forward in Europe, what we want in Union and what is also mentioned in coalition Agreement: better control and limit migration”.

On Friday night, heads of State and Government of 28 EU member States had struggled to tighten up European asylum policy. At same time, Chancellor concluded a trilateral agreement with Greece and Spain on repatriation of migrants and announced similar agreements with a “multitude of countries”. It will n be negotiated by interior ministers of States – also by federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer.

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It was also CSU chief who had escalated dispute with Chancellor about federal government’s asylum policy. As part of his so-called Master plan Migration, which has not yet been presented to date, he wanted to allow all those refugees who have already been registered in anor EU state to be dismissed directly at German border. He would only refrain from such a single course of action if Chancellor presents “effective” solutions for weekend. During ir final press conference in Brussels, Merkel saw exactly this: “If all of this is implemented, n that is more than just same,” she said, reby grabbing a word from seehofer and adding, “n this is a really substantial Progress. “

CSU regional group leader Alexander Dobrindt, despite decisions of EU summit, wants to stick to Seehofer’s plan to disprove certain migrants at border. The European Council confirmed course of CSU “to combine European solutions and national measures”, he said to editorial network Germany. “We are ready to take lift, and keep national measures furr necessary.”

Flaps: “I hope alone gears are off table”

In his interview with Rhenish Post, union Bundestag group chief Kauder did not go into quarrel with Bavarian sister party. However, he underlined that EU’s Heads of State and government “have recognised, after years of differences in opinion, that re can only be a common response to movements of refugees”. All in all, we come to a better order in Europe.

Also prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Flapt, who is also deputy CDU chairman, welcomed decisions of Brussels with which EU had “demonstrated its capacity for action and unity”. The newspapers of Funk Media Group, he said: “I hope that everyone now returns to objectivity and that national single-aisles are off table.”