That it would not go without goof, was already stuck before Donald Trump’s visit to London. However, no one had expected that US president would explain entire Brexit strategy of Prime Minister for failure in advance – only to retract a few hours later and to spill Theresa May with praise.

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The British head of government, which has been fighting for months against a rebellion by Brexit hardliners, had hoped a great deal from Trump: She wanted a promise from president that United States would complete a free-trades agreement with Britain. Such a deal with greatest economic power would be a signal that country would remain open for business even after Brexit, and that Mays’s strategy could end up. “Our withdrawal from European Union gives us a unique opportunity,” said prime minister at yesterday’s dinner at Blenheim Palace, birthplace of Winston Churchill. “A free-range contract creates jobs and growth both here in UK and in US.”

At time, however, Trump had already given an interview to British revolver Blade The sun, in which he said that may Brexit ruin. He described her plans as “very unfortunate.” In a white paper, on Thursday, British Government presented its proposals for a relatively “soft” Brexit, according to which Britain should remain connected to EU economy in many respects. But such a close relationship with EU makes an agreement with US very unlikely, Trump warned.

His comments are not surprising, because president is an outspoken Brexit advocate. The weakening of EU trade community is one of Trump’s overriding objectives, writes Robert Shrimsley, columnist of Financial Times, and his intervention must be viewed in this light.

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And some of proposals in White paper are indeed an obstacle to a British-American pact: The problem is, in particular, EU product standards that London wants to maintain after Brexit. As a result, US-American products such as chlorine-washed chicken or genetically modified crops would still be inadmissible in UK.

Apart from that, experts warn that a free trade agreement with US could open NHS to state health service for US pharmaceutical companies and thus promote privatization. The vast majority of British population, which is highly appreciative of public health care, would encounter strong resistance.

The Sun interview? Fake News!

On Friday, when White House became aware of excitement caused by interview, Trump’s spokesperson tried to appease: “The president likes and respects prime minister very much,” she said. Wher or not re had been a change of heart and May and Trump had come closer during ir private conversation should only be shown in joint press conference. Some commentators harbored hope that a showdown in style of film could actually come to love, in which Hugh Grant, as prime Minister, reads Levites to nasty and greasy US president (Billy Bob Thornton).

Nothing like that happened. At appearance of press in Chequers, May and Trump were in ostentatious display toger, y spoke of “close partnership”, “Transatlantic unity” and “strengned cooperation”. They chuckled at thated, laughed and nodded. Theresa May, “This incredible woman”, is doing an excellent job, Trump said, a bilateral trade agreement should of course be possible. And Sun interview? “Fake news,” said president. He had only given may advice on Brexit strategy, which she may have felt as “brutal”. The relationship between United States and United Kingdom is “highly special”. The most hostile comments were Trump for reporters, while he had only enthusiasm for Prime minister.

Unpredictable, bombastic, vain

It was usual Trump show: unpredictable, bombastic and vain. But it was also an obvious attempt at damage limitation. Theresa May has been relieved that Trump has not yet redefined and criticized her openly. But difficulty of Brexiting plan with a trade agreement with US remains – and Trump did not give a clear commitment. He even admitted that he had no idea what may actually do in relation to Brexit. Despite conciliatory he posted on Friday afternoon, his comments in sun will strengn Brexit pendants.

May is facing a dilemma: if British government makes an agreement with United States, it will be able to appease Brexit enthusiasts – but on or hand it will provoke wrath of a much larger group of Brits who are not only Against a softening of product standards, but also against any pandering against US president. How big rejection is in population, Trump could see on his return flight from press conference to London, where tens of thousands of demonstrators had already gared at that time. If Theresa May has achieved nothing else with Trump visit, he will be remembered because president has driven more people into streets than any guest before him.