Interior Minister Horst Seehofer reaffirmed CSU’s position in asylum dispute with CDU – but at same time signalled readiness for agreement. He could “not guarantee”, CSU chief said in a 75-minute interview in ARD broadcast “Maischberger” that attempt would succeed in solving conflict “sensibly while maintaining mutual credibility”, “but firm Will is re. ” The situation is neverless serious.

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Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) wants to seek a European solution at EU summit in Brussels on Thursday and Friday. If this succeeds, Seehofer said, n question of a national single-handed deal is done. He wants to order that asylum-seekers registered in anor EU country be dismissed at German border. Merkel rejects this without coordination with EU partners. It wants to reach a European settlement with bilateral withdrawal agreements at EU summit.

Seehofer rejected accusations of a drastic escalation. “I know no one in party who wants to endanger government in Berlin, who wants to dissolve group community with CDU or even chancellor wants to overthrow.” The question of wher he would advise Merkel to put question of trust in Bundestag negated Seehofer. “That would bring a drama that I don’t even want.” When asked if he was sure that he could still work with Merkel, Seehofer said: “Yes.” He added: “We talk to each or, we try to find solutions.”

Seehofer said re were situations in politics where one had a conviction – “n conviction is more important than office.” He reiterated his criticism of Chancellor Merkel’s threat to use policy competence enshrined in Basic Law, if necessary. He did not introduce policy competence into debate, said Seehofer. Merkel did not mention this to him, he had learned this from press. “This is emotionally a difficult moment.”

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The concern of his party is to be able to say to population in migration policy: “We are now in control of this matter.” Seehofer also rejected criticism from CDU, CSU is about a right-back: “We remain a people’s Party of middle and also represent democratic right spectrum.” He emphasized: “We do not want to overtake AfD on right.”