DasRettungsschiff “Lifeline” has been in harbour of Valetta in Malta for almost a week. DasSchiff The German rescue organization “MissionLifeline” Warmit 234 refugees on board crossed Mediterranean for six days, Währendsie waited for a permit to go into a European port. Now ship will ABERBESCHLAGNAHMT, said Malta’s prime minister, Joseph Muscat: “This ship Warstaatenlos, it is set.” Außerdemwerde area crew of German aid organization, says Muscat.

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The passengers – migrants and refugees who were rescued just under a week before MittelmeerküsteLibyens – should now verteiltwerden to eight EU countries. These are France, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Ireland, Nerlands, Belgium and Malta. In Deutschlandhattensich, governments of several federal states agreed to include some of migrants.

Federal Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU), however, spoke out in Bundestagjedoch – he sees “currently KeineHandlungsnotwendigkeit”. In addition, according to DerLinken MEP Petra Pau, he called on internal committee to confiscate ship and prosecute crew. Daraufreagierte rescue organization with an open letter to DenInnenminister.

In letter representatives of organization describe plight of rescued LibyschenFlüchtlinge. They outraged accusations against m and claim. To be prosecuted for rescue operation. “They’re talking about shuttle to Europe, where people ausSeenot be saved. How would you feel if IhreFamilienangehörigen were in danger or die? Wouldn’t it be a shame? “says letter. Afterwards, DieOrganisation Seehofer invites you to one of your distress rescue missions. ” We invite you to look at how desperate people we save and how emptiness feels when people die because nobody can help anymore, “writes organization. Zudemerklärt ir willingness to testify in court, as ir keinStrafbestand could be accused.

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AuchdieGrünen criticized negative HaltungderBundesregierung ZurAufnahme of rescued from “lifeline”. We would like to thank seven receiving EU states for securityof of People on board Lifeline Undsomit also 17 German crew members “, TeiltenLuise Amtsberg, spokesperson for refugee Policy, and Manuel Sarrazin, member of Foreign Committee, with. “The behavior DerBundesregierung in dealing with ‘ lifeline ‘ was and is einunwürdiges tragedy.”