In Italy, five-Star Movement and Lega have clarified important personnel issues, creating basis for a common government. There were all conditions for a government, it was said in a joint statement by party leaders of Lega and M5S, Matteo Salvini and Luigi Di Maio.

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President Sergio Mattarella accepts political rar inexperienced law professor Giuseppe Conte as new prime minister. According to office of Mattarella, Conte adopted government mandate. Now Parliament has to decide. Conte could already be sworn in with his cabinet on Friday afternoon.

According to Italian media reports, economics minister is to become Professor Giovanni Tria. At this post, first attempt at formation of government failed on Sunday. President Sergio Mattarella did not want to appoint Eurosceptic Paolo Savona. The designated prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, announced his withdrawal. A reelection seemed inevitable.

Lega chief Salvini is supposed to be interior minister

Mattarella n commissioned Carlo Cottarelli, former director of International Monetary Fund, to form a transitional government until a reelection. After agreement that had now been reached, Cottarelli returned his order, as Secretary-General of President announced.

Conte left his cabinet list on Thursday and said future government wanted to work resolutely to improve quality of life of all Italians. This indicates that Mattarella has accepted all proposed ministers.

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According to reports, Savona, rejected as economics minister, will be responsible in now-agreed cabinet for European affairs. Enzo Moavero Milanesi is said to be foreign minister. The convinced European had already held same office in years 2011 to 2014. Lega chief Salvini should take over office of DesInnenministers. Five-star chef di Maio solleIndustrieminister.