The new US ambassador to Germany, Richard Grenell, has withdrawn his controversial statements in support of conservative forces. “I regret fact that my words were misinterpreted,” said Grenell to editorial network in Germany. “I have no intention of actively interfering in political affairs.”

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Grenell also assured his political restraint. “I am committed to working with all Governments and all political parties to strengn transatlantic relations,” he said to media report.

Grenell had announced in an interview with extreme right Internet portal Breitbart that he wanted to strengn conservative movements throughout Europe. He also has great respect for Austria’s chancellor Sebastian Kurz, whose conservative ÖVP reigns in Vienna with right-wing populist fpoe. He thinks Austrian is a rock star. The statements had been criticized in Germany because y missed political neutrality. The US State Department had taken Grenell in protection. The authority pointed out that ambassadors could also express ir views freely.