The fiscal proposal for we can raise up to 30,000 million euros more each year will not change the finance plans.
Yes, Minister María Jesús Montero responded yesterday to what he described as a “untimely irruption” when there are barely a few weeks away for the group of experts, appointed by herself, contributes the conclusions on which the remarkable tax reform will be carried out
what ambitiona
But it will not happen because, as they aim at the Ministry itself, neither the process nor the content of the reform is not to be modified as a consequence of this document.

What will be done is what was planned: wait until the end of the month, when the experts must deliver their report;
Study the proposal of Him, who will surely be liking from Montero since he was in charge of putting people from the top confidence of him in the relevant positions;
and specify what the fiscal reform will be in force will consist of “by 2023 at the latest”.

It will not be given, therefore, more weight to we can, which is what the Secretary General of the Party, Ione Belarra demanded yesterday.
“It is urgent that we all do part of the debate on fiscal reform.
I want to remember that we are a coalition government and, therefore, the two partners have to be able to participate in the central debates, as in budgetary matters, “said the Minister of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 shortly after Montero denounced that”
And she added: “It is what we are doing: put on the table a proposal that completes the government agreement, which collects fiscal reform, in a truly ambitious way.”

Also the Second Vice President and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, referred to the confrontation within the Government between PSOE and we can during its celebration day after raising the minimum interprofessional (SMI) at 1,000 euros.
And although at first, it supported the dwelling document, pointing to it is “a proposal in the conviction that there is a citizen perception that those who have less are the most contribute,” he ended up noting that the last word will be of
Montero: “The Government of Spain will speak through the Ministry of Finance.”

This posture loves much more in the ministry, where they also consider that the group of experts represents all the government.
In fact, some of the economists who make it up are very close to United we can, even, have produced appointments for express desire of this part of the coalition government.
Therefore, they affect, they do not understand the “parallel” work that has carried out the formation that governs next to the PSOE.

In this way, the next thing that Hacienda will do will receive the document from the experts, whose debate has not been exempt or much of controversy since two of its members have left the group.
This Committee is at the end date on February 28 to deliver its conclusions.
The forecast is that the deadlines are sturgeted and around that date the content of the report will be known.
The proposal will be expanded, but safely will contain a recommendation to homogenize taxes in all autonomous communities.
It is something that Montero has already said on many occasions that he wants to carry out, thus avoiding the fiscal dumping in which, in his opinion, he incurs the Community of Madrid by boning heritage taxes and successions and donations.

The Government of Ayuso, on the other hand, has already reacted by approveing the Law on Tax Autonomy, with which it will try to prevent such an obligatory homogenization and defend its fiscal autonomy.
In Finance, however, they consider that the measure of Madrid has little traveled because “taxes assigned are that, assigned,” alluding to the fact that the last power over those figures falls into the state.

News about societies tax are also expected, where Hacienda wants to raise income sensitively, and environmental taxes and transportation will also have a remarkable weight in the new tax proposal.
Experts, specifically, work on a rise of figures that tax fuels, that is, would result in an increase in the price of gasoline and diesel, which are already in historical stops.
The Government has already tried to introduce an increase in this second fuel, but the pressure of the PNV caused Hacienda to not include the measure already in the budgets of 2022. And now it will again address that rise within the Fiscal Reformation of Montero.