Suma Root bodybuilding Supplement – For Body-Building Support

Not everyone who wants to try an exercise program is doing so in order to lose weight. We have programs which are designed to help those who want to build muscle and naturally there is a range of supplements which are designed to support this.

Suma Root is a Potential Testosterone Booster for Athletes. The Super Suma root bodybuilding supplement is just one of these. The aim is to help the user to gain size and strength and use the body’s own ability to produce testosterone so that the muscle that is produces is lean.

Suma contains an abnormally huge amount of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, phytochemicals, plant sterols, steroidal saponins, etc. It also contains beta-ecdysterone, which is an ergogenic phytochemical structurally similar to testosterone.

The fact that Suma is jam-packed with a wide range of nutrients probably accounts for the wide range of benefits too. This supplement is produced from the Suma root bodybuilding which is a type of Ginseng from Brazil. The enzyme program it uses has been created from plants and is an exclusive formulation to Brutal Force.

This is a supplement that can be used each day and will also help with stamina too. Those who use the product can be reassured of its safety as there are no ingredients within it that have not been rigorously tested, no additional starches or sugars, and no synthetic products.

The Super Suma root bodybuilding supplement also has no yeasts or grains, which is useful for those who have an intolerance to such products.

The product is an adaptogen. This is a term which is applied to products which can be defined as metabolic regulators. These help the body to adapt to its environment and help to prevent any damage from this environment.

Suma Root bodybuilding Supplement 2021 - For Body-Building Support
Suma Root bodybuilding Supplement 2021

This can mean protecting the body from stress as well as injury. The product is designed to help normalize the body so that it is better able to cope with external pressures.

Suma Root bodybuilding Supplement – For Body-Building Support in 2021

The product is also a great one for those who are exercising as it can help the body to recover and repair itself afterwards. A body which is regularly exercised needs the right amount of protein to recover quickly so that it is ready for the next workout and this product can help to provide that.

Those who find it takes a long while to recover between workouts will notice that they do not see the results that they are looking for as quickly as they had hoped.

The Suma root bodybuilding is also beneficial for the health in a number of other ways. These include providing the body with a healthier immune system and a healthier digestive system – both essential for those who want to get fit and healthy.

The Suma root is known as ‘para todo’ in its native Brazil and this translates as ‘for everything’. With the extra energy supplied by this supplement, the Brutal Force workouts will be so much easier and results will be seen more quickly.

No matter which of the Blackwolf programs and supplements that you choose you to need to be sure that you have the right support. The online support system at Brutal Force is second to none.

The first advantage is that you get to make new friends. The online forums are filled with people who are following the programs and seeing results. Some of them are trying to lose weight, some are trying to bulk up and some are simply seeking to improve their fitness levels.

By chatting online in the forums they are able to support each other and it is a great way to find out more about the different programs even before you try them.

How to Increase Testosterone to Build Bigger Muscles

Suma (Pfaffia Paniculata, Brazilian Ginseng, Russian Secret) is a strong adaptogenic herb with ergogenic activity.

It’s a large ground vine that cultivates mostly in the Amazonian rainforest, generously used by the native tribes. The locals call it “para tudo” which literally means “for everything”

…And for everything, it seems to be, as research has shown that Suma supports the endocrine system, improves strength and exercise performance, is an adaptogen, oxygenates cells, and improves libido.

Suma also has a nickname of “The Russian Secret”, and that’s because back in 1976 a Russian scientist called V.N. Syrov extracted an ergogenic compound called ecdysterone from the plant, and found out that it exerted more of an anabolic effect in-vitro than Dianabol and methandrostenolone, which are both anabolic steroids.

After that Syrov introduced Suma and ecdysterone extracts to the Russian Olympic team and conducted several trials on the herb and extracts…

If you want to build bigger muscles, increasing testosterone can help a great deal. This is because testosterone is the hormone that controls muscle growth in your body. It also has an amazing fat burning potential and can help you gain fat-free muscle.

Here are some effective and simple ways to boost testosterone production in your body:

1. Eat Red Meat

Red meat is awesome for increasing testosterone in your body. First of all, it is rich in zinc. Secondly, it is an abundant source of natural cholesterol and saturated fats. It is also rich in nutrients like conenzyme Q10 and carnitine that your body needs to produce testosterone.

However, don’t go overboard with it since too much of red meat can increase saturated fats in your body that can be counter productive.

2. Avoid Sugar

Avoiding sugar can also help increase your testosterone levels. This is because sugar can lower testosterone in your body, According to a study, a meal containing sugar can reduce testosterone by as much as 25%. What is worse is that it can keep your testosterone levels low for hours after you have added a sugar-rich meal.

3. Try Tongat Ali

Tongat Ali is a herb that is native to Asian countries like Indonesia and Malaysia. It is also known as long jack. It is a powerful testosterone booster. So It can help increase your testosterone levels by an amazing 46%. Another interesting fact is that it can help lower estrogen in your body.

4. Try Suma Root

Suma root is also known as the Brazilian Ginseng. It contains a compound called ecdysterone. This compound is even more powerful than steroids such as methandrostenolone and Dianabol. What is even more interesting is that it is 100% natural and free of all kinds of negative side effects.

5. Increase Your Garlic Intake

There are not many foods that can increase testosterone instantly. However, garlic is an exception. It can boost your testosterone levels almost immediately on consumption. Garlic is great for increasing blood circulation too. It can help raise your libido or sex-drive too.

6. Try a Natural Testosterone Supplement

Natural testosterone supplements are also quite popular among bodybuilders. Some of the best testosterone supplements contain ingredients like tribulus terrestris, l-arginine, ginseng, zinc etc.

Some of the top-notch supplements come with a double dose of tribulus terresteris. Suma Root bodybuilding Supplement 2021 – For Body-Building Support


The support from the trainers and customer service staff is also top quality. The trainers regularly take part in online forums and chats which is a great way of supplementing the information that you receive with the program that you are following.

After looking at those nutrients, we can make a few conclusions about the herb:

a) Suma is packed with amino’s, electrolytes, minerals that evaporate through sweat, and germanium which acts as a cell oxygenator, making it one hell of an amazing natural sports drink ingredient.

b) The B vitamins, vitamin A, vitamin K2, zinc, magnesium, ecdysteroids, saponins, and steroidal glycosides are all building blocks/enhancers of testosterone synthesis.

For bodybuilding Brutal Force offers programs such as Testogen which can help you to build the muscle that you want. This is a carefully devised 90-day program that can help to build up to 10 lbs of muscle by following a series of 12 workouts.

Blackwolf is a program that has been put together by Sagi Kalev, an expert in the field of bodybuilding. At the same time, the program is able to help users to get fit and understand nutrition better.

Opt for the Super Suma root bodybuilding supplement from Team Brutal Force to maximize your results from this and other programs. The supplement is a 30 day supply and contains 60 capsules. As a completely natural product, it is ideal for anyone who is concerned about adding synthetic products to their system.

Suma Root bodybuilding Supplement
Suma Root bodybuilding Supplement

Suma Root the Russian Secret

Hello, today I would like to discuss my experience with the Suma Root. A quick search for natural testosterone boosters or anything similar will yield an herb called the Suma root. In many different test boosters, there is this herb as one of the ingredients. I did some research and decided to give it a try.

Friends, I started my lifting career in grade school around 7th grade. I did sports and lifted weights on and off throughout high school. Once I graduated high school I got more serious about it and had a lifting buddy and a schedule. I have been lifting regularly for around 2.5 years now.

I wanted to get into powerlifting, I wanted to be stronger. In February of this year, I decided that I would try out the 531 strength program. Around this time I also discovered the suma. When I maxed prior to starting 531 my four main lifts, squats overhead press, bench press, and deadlift, were mediocre at best. weighting in at around 165lbs my maxes were 195lbs for the bench, 260 for squat, 275 for the deadlift, and 160 for the overhead press.

In my opinion, suma is an extremely effective herb. There are many websites that will tell you a little about the plant so I will not bore you here. The Russians studied it and used it in the Olympics back in the 70s. They extracted something called beta-ecdysterone.

Suma Root bodybuilding Supplement – For Body-Building Support

It is basically a plant and insect growth hormone. I did the cycle that a Russian scientist tried on Olympic athletes. That was a dose of 500mg per 40lbs of bodyweight it was taken on days 1-10. 16-25, and 31-40 a 54 day period. I was taking 5 pills a day of the solar brand which is around $10 a bottle on amazon.

In the bottle, there are 100 pills. I would take 2 in the morning and 3 at night or post-workout. The schedule I was on was Monday squats, Wednesday bench press, Friday deadlift. I did not overhead press during this time nor many accessory movements either.

Other supplements included a multi-vitamin, fish oil, vitamin d3, b12, creatine, and whey protein. I was not counting calories and probably not that high of a protein intake. I would say I was less than 200 grams of protein per day.

What were the results? The 531 on the third set is either 5reps+ 3reps+ or 1rep+. On that last set, I noticed that every week I could get more and more and more and more. I cannot remember the exact weights of each workout now that it’s been almost a year ago, but I do remember some milestones. 225lbs on squat was heavy.

Within a month I could do 20 reps before maybe 3 and they were slow. I remember being able to get 8 reps with 255lbs on squat the first cycle of 531. Bench press I could hardly do 2 reps of 185 after the first training cycle I could do 7. Deadlifts I remember getting 275 12 reps and my grip gave before anything, I could have kept going.

The next cycle of 531 was insane. Squats were moving fast 275 for 6, bench 195 for 5, deadlift 315 for 10. I could rep everything like crazy I had so much endurance it was nuts. Friends, I took no pre-workout. I didn’t need it. I could lift for hours on end and the next day I was never sore.

How PrimeShred works.

My new maxes increased to 235 on the bench, 325 on the squat, and 405 on the deadlift. Within 2 months I was able to achieve this. I was lifting heavy weight constantly for medium repetitions and was never sore. At that time I could not get sore from a workout.

It was insane I watched as my body changed in front of my eyes. I did body fat percentages before and after I put on 12 pounds of lean mass within 3 months. I felt great had tons of energy. Friends, I woke up every day ready to just kill it. I was going to school full time while working full time. It did not drain me one bit.

In conclusion, The Suma root worked for me. I love the stuff and it is very cheap compared to other things that may or may not work. It won’t hurt you it has many other benefits besides maybe or maybe not acting as a steroid. For me it did. It also gives you some crazy erections, an added bonus for the lady friend.

Suma Root bodybuilding Supplement – For Body-Building Support