President Rene Fasel the hockey world governing body the IIHF has in the debate over the Co-hosting of the next world Cup (21. May to 6. June 2021) in Belarus, the government of the controversial ruler Aleksandr Lukashenka and the Opposition called for a “process of reconciliation”.

In a letter to the government critical basketball player Jelena glow Anka Fasel declared his willingness to meet with the government and the Opposition “at any time” and “any place in Europe”. The goal is a constructive dialogue was not going to the world Cup, “need as a means of exerting political pressure to failure”. The Plan of the IIHF, the world Cup 2021 in Latvia and Belarus to carry out.

Lukashenka was last updated by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) due to the ongoing violations of the human rights of athletes in Belarus, as a member of the National Olympic Committee of the country suspended. The autocrat President is ruling the state in Belarus is very controversial, and had after his re-election in the summer, always use force to use force against protesters. 1200 representatives of sport of Belarus had signed a statement against the President.