The rating Agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P), there is the credit rating-württemberg downgraded slightly to AA+ with a stable Outlook, down. Previously, the state was rated AAA, such as the Ministry of Finance announced on Saturday. S&P have made it clear that this was due to the effects of the Corona pandemic, and not to structural problems.

in the opinion of the Minister of Finance, Edith Sitzmann (Green), it was important to do everything possible for the protection of the health and economic impact of the Corona-pandemic due to additional spending to mitigate. You get the company much-needed funds, by tax payments would be deferred. “If the company can, after the crisis start, the tax revenues of the budget. Therefore, it is right to act anti-cyclically, even if it puts a strain on the budget.“

In the categories of institutional framework, financial management, economic strength and liquidity position, the rating Agency had assigned the Note to Baden-Württemberg, stressed the Minister. “We will also be able to with the credit rating AA+ to continue without restrictions on the financial markets to borrow.”

Ratings to decide a rule about it, added to the terms on which money on the capital market can be: the better the Rating, the lower the interest rates charged are usually.