The U.S. Postal service warns that by way of postal ballot votes cast for the presidential election, possibly, in time, and thus the count could be taken into account. There is a “significant risk for it,” – said in letters sent in the Post to almost all the Federal States, and on Friday published. The election authorities would have to take into account how the Post-work, and schedule recommendations, set-up, said a Post spokeswoman. At the same time, internal documents were known, according to which the Post breaks down just many letter sorting machines.

The letter choice is of particular importance this year, since it is assumed that more voters want than otherwise make use of it in order to avoid a possible infection with the Coronavirus in gatherings of people in front of and in polling stations.

President, Donald Trump had previously talked openly of it, and Post the funds to withhold, the wool you have to transport millions of Letter ballot in a timely manner. Trump explained without further evidence, the risk of Counterfeiting in the case of a postal voting was very high. Democrats see this as an attempt by the incumbent to hold the turnout in his favor as low as. His predecessor, Democrat Barack Obama accused Trump, in a rare direct attack, he wanted to smash the Post “the kneecap”.

Trump said Thursday that he wanted the Americans to the election on may 3. November to participate, but “this means that you would have to go to a polling station, as they have always done, and vote”. The point, in spite of the Coronavirus pandemic, it should be safe.

The majority of the States expected because of the pandemic, with much more letter to voters. Many States have made it easier to apply for the Post. Some even send proactive election documents to the citizens.