The number of detection of the Coronavirus-infected people has risen in the state of Hesse to 21. So that are registered according to the Ministry of social Affairs from Tuesday (as of 14: 00) a total of 11,430 thousands of cases. The number of disease-Covid-19 associated deaths rose by one to 515. Previously, the Ministry had last updated on November 9. July a rise in deaths reported.

The threshold value for a tightening of the restrictions of public life are removed, all cities and counties in the country still far. This is located at 50 new infections per 100,000 population within seven days.

The highest value in the state of Hesse has, in this perspective, currently, the city of Offenbach, with nine. In the statistics of the Ministry of information to be recorded, which has been provided by the municipalities up to a certain point in time in an electronic database.

As in this country to control the disease responsible RKI of the F. A. Z. said, it will collect data on the number of Recovering not officially. The survey was also not provided for in the law. “However, one can assume that at least in the cases where the most information has been determined, had no severe symptoms, and were not admitted to hospital, the fact that you are at the latest to recover after 14 days”, – is spoken in Berlin. The RKI guess the number of Recovering.