Always be trying these comparisons, it is often set equal to: Covid-19 and Influenza, Sars-CoV-2 and the common cold viruses. A deceptive hope. Infect, “sweat it out” and continue to make, so easy it is not. On the contrary, The reports pile up, showing that it is Covid-19 often a complex disorder that may develop severe lung damage, and over many weeks hinziehend to a disease of the entire body. A “multi-organ virus” has therefore called weeks ago the “Deutsche ärzteblatt” the new Corona pathogen. Now the consequence of that are increasingly – and long-term damage to infection with Covid-19 in the view.

Joachim Müller-Jung

editor in the features section, responsible for the area of “nature and science”.

F. A. Z. Twitter

the lungs, heart, liver, kidney, blood vessels, pancreas, blood cells – all these and much more tissues in the body, the ACE2 receptors, depending on the age, gender and Disposition in large numbers, with which the Virus binds on the top of his “barbed-Protein”, and so his work of destruction begins. As in the case of the Victims, the hormone experts of the American Endocrine society in the current issue of your journal reports. “The Coronavirus damages the endocrine system,” it says.

for example, Diabetes. The sugar disease, is one of the most common concomitant diseases of obese people, is transferred as a risk factor for severe Covid-19-gradients for a long time. Now: The Virus can also trigger, if it settles in the ACE2 receptors richly equipped beta cells of the pancreas, within a few weeks, even a dangerous Diabetes. For the regulation of sugar metabolism of the vital beta cells, which produce Insulin, are destroyed and are lost once and for all. This is true of many diabetics hard, too little Insulin, produce it but also some young people, such as Doctors reports in a Diabetes journal. You have a virus, flood, acts like a Diabetes-Type1, a youth-Diabetes, when the pancreas own faulty cells are destroyed by the body’s misguided immune cells early on, completely. The same hormone effect the virus had decomposition approach already observed in the case of the first Sars epidemic, many years ago.