want to make, in view of the increasing polemic against Gays and lesbians in some countries of the EU, Germany as the President of the Council, actively for their rights. Minister of state for Europe Michael Roth (SPD), criticized it to the AFP news Agency as “simply unacceptable” that member States of the EU election campaign “on the backs” of sexual minorities will be made and the local authorities declared themselves to be “LGBTI ideology-free zones.”

“We are for equal rights and equality and, in particular, of LGBTI, to use,” said Roth with a view on the German presidency of the Council – the English acronym LGBTI stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex.

The Minister of state in the foreign office, said shortly before the presidential election in Poland, where President Andrzej Duda, the law and of the national ruling party, the PiS in the election mood against sexual minorities did struggle massively. Many regions in the erzkatholischen the country have already declared themselves officially to zones, which should be free of “LGBT ideology”. to call

Without Poland explicitly criticized Roth’s most “nationalists and populists, the campaign against the supposed ‘Gender-madness’, the traditional families and roles propagate and prejudice against sexual minorities to stir up”.

In Parts of Europe, threatening the equality of sexual minorities is a “backward step” that “will be fired from nationalists and populists,” warned the Minister of state. As President of the Council of Germany’s “special responsibility for Europe: Here there is no place for homophobia, racism, anti-Semitism and anti-Gypsyism is.”

Europe could not abandon those countries in which there were setbacks: “Even if many of us look with some concern to Hungary, Poland, Russia, or Turkey, we should not write off these countries,” said Roth. “We are strengthening instead of the civil society on the ground in the back.”