Telecinco broadcast a new installment of Survivors 2023: No Man’s Land on Tuesday, May 23. Alma Bollo, Raquel Arias, Manuel Cortés and Artùr Dainese faced a salvation ceremony and Raquel Bollo’s daughter managed to escape expulsion.

Alma, Artùr and Raquel lived the ceremony from the beach, while Manuel had to know the public’s decision from the infirmary. Laura Madrueño first announced that Arias was still nominated, followed by Cortés and Dainese.

Upon learning that she had been saved, Alma hugged her companions. “Thank you very much, really, thank you very much to all the people who continue to support me, who continue to trust me. You don’t know how special you make me feel. I love you very much and I will continue to give everything, thank you very much,” he said.

In this way, Raquel Arias, Manuel Cortés and Artùr Dainese continue to be nominated. One of them will leave Honduras at the next gala, which will be broadcast on Thursday, May 25.

Cortés could not live the salvation ceremony with his companions, since he went to the infirmary due to severe stomach pains that he suffered. “I’m really looking forward to going back with my teammates. The routine to which one is used to is sorely missed these days. The truth is that I am full of energy, with a feeling of being two steps away from the goal and with a lot of desire After being discharged, although it still can’t be, I am very calm with the diagnosis. The doctor’s diagnosis has finally reached me,” he said.

Alma, his sister, went to visit him in the infirmary, while his mother, Raquel Bollo, learned of the diagnosis on the set. “I have an accumulation of feces in the area of ​​the ascending colon,” she explained. “It’s what was causing the pain box so strong,” she added.

With this diagnosis, the organization decided that Manuel would have to wait to return to his teammates. “After the different imaging and analytical tests, and after observing your evolution, the medical team has decided that you cannot rejoin the adventure at least for now, you must continue to be observed until the next medical report,” confirmed Carlos Sobera.

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