the 5.8 billion is for the majority a nice loose money.

And when the milliardsummen he is talking about an arithmetic error committed by the ministry of Finance, it can probably get many to wrinkle concerned on the nose.

Like the Danish budget law in this time negotiated for full curtains, also in the EU scrambling to agree on the budget for 2020. On Monday, the eu’s member governments vote on the draft budget, and the Danish government has decided to vote against.

It has, among other, because the Ministry’s calculations showed that the expenditure ceiling in the budget was exceeded. According to the people’s EU spokesman, Jens Rohde, the ministry has, however, made what he over the for Extra the Magazine calls ‘a glaring error’.

– the Government did not believe that the 778 million euro, to be used extra on refugees, security and border controls (the so-called flexibility instrument, red.), was counted in the frame. But it was they, he says.

Jens Rohde pointed out Thursday the fault of the EU-committee, and a write from the EU-the secretariat of the committee on Friday shows that he has the right.

‘We have now received the attached fixed version and got message that an error had occurred, and that the ministry had come to count the flexibility instrument, with two times,’ it says in the letter.

It amazes Jens Rohde, that the government apparently have overlooked the fact that the 778 million was already recognised, because the EU-committee has been previously presented for a note, which the government emphasises precisely this figure.

He believes it is very convenient that the government has put 5.8 billion crowns to the calculation, when the argument to vote against the draft budget is that, the expenditure ceiling is exceeded.

– But can there not just be talk about a svipser from the government’s side?

– I can not demonstrate, that it is not a svipser, but it is a very convenient svipser.

– For now, to quote Mette Frederiksen, who referred to the EU’s budget as being gakgak. If it is gakgak, so what is an arithmetic error in the ministry of Finance of 5.8 billion, says Jens Rohde.

– the Draft budget will be voted through, even if Denmark votes against, so why is it even a problem?

– Fortunately, otherwise we had no budget. Responsible parties voting for the final bill, otherwise the state is not a budget. And the same is the case in the EU. Denmark puts itself out as a fodnotenation in the EU instead of joining in the fight.

– You must also keep in mind that the frame, you a trader under, it is the frame, which is given by Helle Thorning-Schmidt-the government in 2013. And in politics, one must face up to legacy and the debt, otherwise hear everything the up, says Jens Rohde.

the european UNION has a general budget that shall apply as a framework for the period 2014-2020. In addition to that, every year, negotiated a budget in place, which both the member states ‘ governments, the EUROPEAN Commission and the european Parliament must agree on.

the Extra Leaf is awaiting a comment from The rapporteur in the area.