Allow some rambling a bit personal before we finish this 2018 which is the year of the fiftieth anniversary of the refounding as a liberal and critical, even during the dictatorship, the evening madrid Information.

At that tardofranquismo two newspapers he touched noses to the Regime, and they were both evening papers: the Madrid Rafael Calvo Serer and Antonio Fontán, very inspired in Le Monde, with a great preponderance of opinion articles, and Information, that was more by way of the anglo-saxon press, including the reporting of research. The power shut Madrid, and to its own crisis in 1978, Information was alone in their defense of democratic change.

A journalist who took 12 years off of diplomatic service in the headquarters european and american UN had returned convinced that the press could manage an evolution to democracy in the time of the perpetuation of franco’s Regime that many others espoused. Convinced a banker friend, and this three colleagues more, and bought the small journal of the calle de San Roque.

Of the People, newspaper of the vertical organisations that it was most liberal of that system, came the new director, Jesus de la Serna, and with him a Juan Luis Cebrián that it would be, at 23, the editor-in-chief (in those times, the number three of a journal). With him came a whole group of young writers, from all walks of life ideological but very committed to free information and criticism, as Joaquin Estefania, Fernando Jáuregui, Pura Ramos, Jose Luis Martin Prieto, Juan Pedro Quiñonero, Abel Hernández, Joaquín Jiménez, Ricardo Martin… Some of them are still active; for example, Felipe Sahagún and the undersigned, still brujuleando by these same pages.

Next to them, some respected veterans, such as critical Pablo Corbalán (theatre), Alfonso Sanchez (cinema) or Alfonso Navalón (bulls), and a squad of special columnists representing a range from liberalism to Catalan nationalism, such as Camilo José Cela, Joan Fuster, Carmen Martín Gaite, Miguel Delibes or Gonzalo Torrente Ballester.

Among the all you shake the coconut tree to base of well. And something we, in spite to endure the threats of the one and the other.

anyone Who wants to know more may consult Information, the decade of change (Ed. Tantín, 2008), who was its secretary-general and today’s academic Jurisprudence, Pedro Crespo de Lara.

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