Has given the bell to leave ‘Masterchef’ in full swing to make the leap to ‘The Voice’. After 15 editions, Eva González (Seville, 1980) makes the culinary program at the highest. He has known glory. Or ‘lion eats shrimp’.

What has The Voice that you do not have Masterchef?Music. To me it makes me vibrate a lot. Both are talent shows and have nothing to do with each other. I had an urge to get emotional doing the program. Is it not a madness to leave Masterchef when it is at its peak?Can be. Don’t deny it. For me it is a challenge that I look forward to.Are you going to be able to release more in The Voice? The role of the presenter of Masterchef is a little prude.I think yes. One is direct and another is not, what is already a major change. The presenter on Masterchef is a nexus of union, and has a more limited role. In The Voice you accompany the family when that person comes out to the stage for the first time. It is something that I love. I’m a titan tv to get into another. Who you going to replace? Pepe Rodríguez has said that he does not need a presenter. At first yes, that was needed to put the viewer in the format that was completely new. Today, it is not necessary that work because after 15 editions, the spectator knows how it works. I reproach you in Masterchef you have not cooked or a dish, what will sing on The Voice?[Laughs] No, but it is more for the common good and for the hearing health of the spectators. Admits: do not you have been in the program for not having to endure another duel like the one of Carmen Lomana and Antonia Dell Atte?That duel is great. I had a great time recording the program and now seeing it. Are very funny the two. Does not reach the blood to the river. So how do you survive a shoot with these divas?With a lot of patience and seeing everything from the prism of humor. Antonia Dell’ Atte has confessed that what has gone worse than with The ‘Machine of Truth’ and that with your ex, the count Lecquio. I never saw ‘Machine of Truth’. It was very small. That was sonadísimo. What happened?In full romance between Ana Obregon and Alessandro Lecquio, Dell ‘Atte did a polygraph saying that the count was calling and that I was in love with her.Antonia is a spectacle. What we have done ‘mobbing’ to their classmates?There has been no ‘mobbing’. Antonia is a diva and a woman very visceral. It is all heart and has no reasoning at the time. It has a lot of humor and irony. What he said that he was going to sue their colleagues for harassment was in the tone of a joke. It is not true. What the jury of Masterchef is more hard that a court of the opposition?Because I don’t know. Nor have I been in front of the jury of Masterchef, or in a court of opposition. The jury members are my friends and I see from another prism completely different applicants. Are my co-workers and almost like my family because we spend so many hours together. Don’t you hate when the jury gets purple and you, palo seco?Some of the time. But, at the beginning, that is when the worst cook, I think: “whew that I don’t have to try that!”. You define yourself with a plate of food. Oops! Could not. As I could not tell you what is my favorite dish because it depends on a lot of the day. Maybe one day, I’m a stew gypsy and the other, a macaron. ‘The lion eats shrimp’ made history. What other dish terrible to remember?Sometimes, there are dishes difficult. Some have not so bad looking, but they don’t know well and it also happens the other way around. I remember the tart cherry, it was the cake more ugly in the world, was horrendous; but, however, he was very rich, and that I tried it.What Ensayas in slippers?In this program, there are tried. What I do is that every time I have a hole, I put my cows in the foot because I can no more. Have you ever been tempted to strangle a contestant?No. But yes, there are contestants that you fall better and others, worse. You have more chemistry with some people than with others. But I will not let me notice. What is the contestant who has stolen the heart?With Eva Micaela, of the first edition, I have kept in touch. For me, Paz Vega has been all a discovery. I had it as a more inaccessible and, in the end, is a girl fantastic and supernormal. It has been discovered in Masterchef and is an aunt to 10.

The animalist never give alternatives”

you’re in seville, you like the song, dressed in a flamenco costume and you’re married to a bullfighter. What you have proposed to gather all the clichés about Spain?Daughter, I meet all the requirements. It is true. I like the flamenco and the copla. I spent 10 years presenting a program of song. It is a genre wonderful because they are soap operas be sung. To the best yes that I’m the topic of Spain. I am mairenera, seville, andalusian, and Spanish.Now it is not very well seen to uphold many of those values. Argues José Manuel Soto that the libertarian today is to sing: “I Am Spanish”. Is that if we get into this, there is so much fabric cut that we would need hours of conversation. The only thing I can say is that I am proud to be Spanish.Normally, in the tv always tries to hide the pregnancy, but you worked until the end. What did you do to make visible the maternity? There is nothing more natural than being pregnant. Why hide it? I was okay and I didn’t want to unsubscribe. Cared for Me more, yes. Put Me on a stool. I don’t think flag anything, but it came to my social networks so many messages, giving me the congratulations for making the maternity, but I didn’t do it with that intention. When you’re a mother, the whole world judge you. Have you already started the summary judgments?Man, of course they have started, from the first moment. Also had them before. They told Me I was crazy to continue working while she was pregnant. That is inevitable, but one does not have to go crazy looking at those things because it would be a horror. But of course there are detractors. What is certain is that when a baby is born all the world believes the right to speak.Yes, all the world believes. When I went back to work a month and a half of giving birth, and heard the murmur of a bad mother, “you’ve left your son alone.” But nothing could be further from the reality because the child has to his father to the side that is just as valid as me and my mother. And I also, because I’m not 24 hours a day working. But I was questioned.You criticized them for not take paid maternity leave as a whole.I understand that it is necessary. But I went back to work, because for me it was important to start the editing with the celebrities. He had left the other half. I am happy working and being a mother in my home with my son. I don’t think that I have to judge it by that. Each one does what he thinks appropriate at that moment. I wanted to work. Do you have to refute the advice of the grandmother based on the education of 30 years ago?Unfortunately, my son only has a grandmother. I don’t have a father and what that tells me my mother goes to mass. I have had very good education and I would love to educate my son, as my mother has educated me. Do you fustigas a lot with the feeling of guilt?A little. It is inevitable. It is difficult to reconcile. Yes, you feel a point of guilt and I’m not going to say otherwise because all we’re sorry. And I think that men also feel what it can be to lose a part of your child’s life. We have to get to a ten with ten and being able to reconcile family life with work. Do you belong to the club of the ‘moms ‘ Panda’?Of course you can. We are the ones that we don’t sleep and we have to come to work very early with almost no sleep. My son Cayetano is puñetero. To me I have not touched a baby to sleep-pull. Samanta Villar said that sometimes I wanted to throw the baby out the window and rained down criticism.I have always defended Samanta. It seemed to Me that I had a lot of reason. Him to throw the child, is an expression, but when she takes crying for two hours straight, say: “I don’t know what you want, what do you do?”. You feel despair, especially, when you are a new mother. As with everything in life, you have to know the child and know yourself. You discover things of thee very pretty, and others that had not gone before and are also there. Who cooks at home?Well now my mother is with us, and that is fantastic. Normally, we organize ourselves very well because I think that it is essential to carry out a house with a baby. We cook on the weekend and leave the frozen food to the rest of the week. How and who changes more diapers?Cayetano change many because it is now low since it broke a few ribs and spend more time with the child. Right now, it is up to him. You are one of the few women who is going to the bullring to see her husband.I’m little and only cumshots very special, as is the Goyesca of Ronda, which I love and is all the more special for him.THE LAST QUESTION. In these moments, it must be difficult to be a woman bullfighter. Each turn, receive more attacks. I would like to not have so much verbal violence against the toreros. Many times there is a lot of ignorance and lack of knowledge. I am in favor of listening to all the world but someone tell me that they are done with the bull if not killed in the square. Who is responsible for that bull? What About The Government? Ok, since we are going to create pastures for viva el toro bravo after being toreado. That costs money. Who is going to do? The animalists do not give alternatives. Never.

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