The mayor of Madrid, Jose Luis Martínez-Almeida, and that of Bilbao, Juan Mari Aburto, were the mayors who earned the most in Spain in 2022 with 108,157 euros and 101,449 euros in salary, respectively. They are followed by those from Barcelona, ​​Vitoria and San Sebastián, all above 91,000 euros.

The Ministry of Finance and Public Function shared this Friday the salaries of all mayors in Spain during 2022. Almeida, from the Popular Party, leads the list with a salary of 108,157 euros for his duties as mayor of the capital and leads the list for one year more, despite the fact that his salary was not increased in the last legislature.

For his part, the Bilbao mayor of the PNV Juan Mari Aburto is second with almost 7,000 euros per year less than that of Madrid and surpasses for the first time the Barcelona mayor, Jaume Collboni, of the PSOE who earns 100,000 euros per year. Both hold the sole position of mayor and do not receive internal remuneration from their parties. Abutto is also the second who has increased his salary the most, earning 3,000 euros more than what he received in 2021.

The top 5 is closed by the first mayor of Vitoria, Maider Etxebarria (PSOE), with 96,717 euros for exclusive dedication, 5,000 euros more than what her predecessor earned, and the councilor of San Sebastián, Eneko Goia (PNV), with 91,849 euros for exclusive dedication to his position and is another of those whose remuneration has increased with 3,000 euros more than what he earned in 2021. The mayors of other large cities such as Valencia or Seville are next on the list, below 91,000 euros.

The salaries of these mayors are higher than that of the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, who receives 82,000 euros annually and that of some of the full-time ministers who have a salary of 79,000 euros per year.