We are in the middle of mushroom season. In different places in Spain we can find all types of edible mushrooms. However, in these same places there are also toxic mushrooms, many of which have an almost identical shape to the ones we consume. It is time to take extreme precautions and know what never to do when collecting mushrooms, since accidents occur every year, some even fatal.

As indicated by the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences, it is best “not to eat mushrooms that have not been perfectly identified. It is possible to know some types of edible mushrooms well, but, in general, the basic notions acquired in informative courses or in Internet to properly classify any species of mushroom.”

Almost all fatal poisonings are due to Amanita phalloides, a very toxic and quite common mushroom. If you have consumed this or another toxic mushroom, it is recommended to urgently visit a hospital and also provide a sample of the consumed product.

Below we highlight the different types of poisonous mushrooms:

Also known as green oronja, canaleja, death mushroom, deadly oronja and green hemlock, consuming a single specimen of Amanita phalloides can cause death. Its symptoms appear between 6 and 12 hours after being consumed in the form of nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhea or cramps. In addition, it is one of the variants that causes the most poisoning in Spain. It stands out for its green hemlock structure. It is found in forests from September to February.

From the end of summer to the beginning of winter at the foot of black pines and beech trees you can find this curious toxic species, also known as the dwarf mushroom or fly swatter. If any insect comes into direct contact with it, it releases a poison that kills them. It is often confused with the oronja.

Its symptoms appear two hours after consumption in the intestine and liver, but it is not fatal. It is an entheogenic fungus, a term used for plant substances with psychotropic properties.

Its level of intoxication is lower than previous cases, but it can be especially serious if consumed raw. Cooked it will be indigestible, with vomiting and diarrhea, but despite its name it is not fatal.

It usually grows next to the roots of holm oaks, beeches and oaks among forest clearings.

Also known as false chanterelle and hence its easy confusion if attention is not paid during the collection phase. Toxic symptoms, which usually appear between 15 minutes and three hours after consumption, are usually mild in the form of gastrointestinal disorders.

It can be found from summer to autumn at the foot of birch trees.

They grow in deciduous tree forests or pine forests, but their great virtue is that they stand out in such a way that they are difficult to confuse with edible species. On the other hand, its level of toxicity in some of its variants can be serious and even fatal.

Another fact to highlight is the persistence of the symptoms over time. It can appear days or even weeks after consumption. Among the common symptoms and diseases caused by these toxic mushrooms are fatigue, intense thirst, loss of appetite, headache, and kidney and liver disorders.

Widespread in Spain, it is usually found in humid and mossy areas. After consumption, between half an hour and two hours later, mild intestinal disorders appear. It is only toxic in large quantities.

The Generalitat of Catalonia provides other species of toxic mushrooms that must be rejected: