Landshut (dpa / lby) – Contrary to reports from several online media and on social networks, a Russian woman who is said to have glorified the war in Ukraine has not been deported. “She is still in Germany,” said a spokesman for the Landshut public prosecutor’s office on Tuesday. Deportations from Germany to Russia are currently suspended. First, the magazine “Stern” reported about it.

The 30-year-old from Landshut in Lower Bavaria is being investigated because she is said to have approved and glorified the Russian invasion of Ukraine several times on social networks. During a search in mid-October, investigators confiscated three smartphones and a notebook from her apartment. The evaluation of the files on the devices is still ongoing, said the spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office. Investigated on suspicion of insult and approval of criminal offenses.

Several online media and social network users had reported that the 30-year-old had been deported. A video was shared to show the woman accompanied by police officers at an airport. According to earlier police reports, the woman had stayed in Germany without a valid permit. However, the spokesman for the public prosecutor’s office emphasized on Tuesday that the deportation had not taken place.