To John’s on 24. June, the last day of the year the asparagus is crisp, the farmers in the Region have a mixed record. “We came up with a black eye,” says Frank Reitz. Nevertheless, “It was all very, very tiring this year,” he sums up. The Corona-pandemic-related restrictions on the employment of foreign seasonal workers would have cost him nervous, says Worfelden, the asparagus farmer from the South Büttelborn -.

The prices for the precious sprouts were 2020 “generally quite well”, he says, without mentioning for its operation precise Numbers. However, the uncertainty about whether or not to harvest helper could come, have prepared at the beginning of the season of great concern. Later, the concern for the health of the workers was added. “Corona in the yard, that would have been the Gau,” says Reitz, with a view to the infections in the North Rhine-Westphalian meat processing plants. In addition, he was seen to suddenly a flood of administrative tasks. “Every day there was other information, a form was to be completed, and an edition that had to be observed.” All of this was added to the day’s work.

Less harvesting, not only because of Corona

“The season has started a little bumpy,” says Maximilian Reuhl from Münzenberg in the Wetterau. But he, too, is in the end somewhat satisfied. Although he had felt, like other farmers, the loss of customers from the catering industry. About 30 percent of asparagus he has sold so less. “It ran to the stands better,” says the farmer. Who had earlier gone to eat Asparagus in a Restaurant, I have cooked this year, probably, believes Reuhl. The losses would have been offset by almost. In addition, there have been this season “not a real low-price phase”. Average of 11,40 Euro a Kilo have tasted asparagus of good quality with him.

the amount of harvested vegetables is down this year, less than usual, at least, has not do for Reuhl only with the Corona of a pandemic and the consequences thereof. Although had been stung on the fields less. But: “We had two dry summers in a row, has made an impact on us.” That he also, as he says, is reasonably got away with it, easier for him. “We have fought, and that has paid off.”

Higher sales at the booths

Rolf Meinhardt, Chairman of the working group asparagus southern Hesse, expressed in a similar way. He did indeed “get a lot of gray hair”, but ultimately the season was are not quite as bad as feared. Although the harvest 2020 has fallen by about a third, of the price per kilogram of asparagus increased, but about 20 to 30 cents. Of the requested harvest helpers had only arrived about two-thirds: “But still.” Nevertheless, Meinhardt know of colleagues who would not have even pulled the first of the dams, and for your vegetables. “They have ticked off the season full of concern even before the beginning.” Alone for the South of Hesse, he goes from five to six companies. On the other hand, he is pleased with higher sales of its stalls. He believes that many buyers have, for the first time prepared the asparagus itself. “We have sold at the booths, in fact, never before have so many asparagus peeler, such as this year.”

Also a farmer, Reitz has tried to make the Best out of the Situation. Of 200 required for seasonal workers after all, 140 had come. For you he does not have a residential container at his farm building, “the rooms have to be full”. All of this had caused additional costs, but no Option was Give up for him. “After all, we live by the season’s business.” The Fly-in of the workers, the Container-accommodation and hygiene measures had gone into the money. “I’ve spent per head of 500 to 600 euros more,” he estimates.