The trades in the southwest have been demanding state aid for bakers and butchers in the state for a long time. They suffered particularly from the high energy prices. The state CDU now wants to act quickly.

Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – This Wednesday, the CDU parliamentary group is advising business associations and trade unions on targeted state aid for companies that are struggling due to the energy crisis. CDU parliamentary group leader Manuel Hagel fears that certain sectors could fall by the wayside during the simultaneous consultations between the federal and state governments on the third traffic light relief package. “Unfortunately, the federal relief package apparently still has delivery problems,” said Hagel of the German Press Agency.

But you can’t wait any longer. “Now there’s no time to lose, otherwise the lights will go out at the baker and butcher on the next corner.” They are working on their own state program “in order to be well prepared in the convoy of the federal government and to be able to make decisions and act quickly”. The digital dialogue with the associations and trade unions also serves this purpose. One thing is clear: “Where the federal government hesitates and hesitates, we will provide help to save livelihoods and secure jobs.”

During the budget talks at the weekend, the green-black coalition decided to take on more than one billion euros in new debt despite significant additional tax revenue. The debt brake allows this in times of downturn, it said. The government wants to use part of the money for its own aid package. Green parliamentary group leader Andreas Schwarz said that the funds are “armed to be able to support small and medium-sized companies, social institutions, craftsmen and citizens in a targeted manner if they are in need or if the help from the federal government is not enough”.