Düsseldorf (dpa / lnw) – In the collective bargaining conflict in the metal and electrical industry, the IG Metall trade union is continuing to wage warning strikes. The extent of the previous work stoppages in North Rhine-Westphalia will increase, said IG Metall on Tuesday in Düsseldorf. On Wednesday, employees from 62 companies should take part in the walkout. There will be rallies at Ford in Cologne, Siemens Energy in Mülheim and Miele in Oelde, among others. The district manager of the IG Metall NRW, Knut Giesler, is to speak in Dortmund, where employees of the pump manufacturer Wilo are expected to attend a rally.

In the previous regional negotiations, the employers had each offered one-off payments of 3,000 euros and also an unspecified increase in the wage tables for a period of 30 months. The one-off payment should reach the employees directly, free of taxes and duties. The union, on the other hand, is demanding eight percent more money for the approximately 3.9 million employees nationwide for a period of twelve months. IG Metall’s demand is the highest in the industry since 2008. The inflation rate in Germany was 10.4 percent in October.