Stuttgart (dpa / lsw) – The decline in new corona infections in Baden-Württemberg is also noticeable in the clinics. The number of corona infected people in the normal wards of the hospitals was 1787 on Monday, well below the value of the previous week (2090), as announced by the State Health Office (LGA) in Stuttgart.

At 155, fewer Covid patients were also treated in the intensive care units than in the week before (178). According to the LGA, new corona infections in the south-west have been declining since the second week of October after the sharp increase from mid-September. This is also indicated by the so-called R value, which reflects the speed of propagation. It was last at 0.67. That means: On average, 100 infected people infect 67 people.

The number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants per week was 302.5 on Monday. A week ago the seven-day incidence was 541.8, two weeks ago 742.8. However, because not every infected person does a PCR test, experts assume that there are a large number of unrecorded infections. Only positive PCR tests count in the statistics.

The agency also recorded 132 new deaths related to the virus since last week. This increased the number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic to 17,733.