Karlsruhe/Stuttgart (dpa/lsw) – After the kidnapping of a dropout from the Kurdish Workers’ Party PKK, the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) rejected the appeals of the convicts. There were no legal errors to the detriment of the accused, according to a decision published on Friday, which refers to two of those affected (Az. 3 StR 491/21). The further revisions would not have been successful either, according to the BGH in Karlsruhe.

At the end of April 2021, the Higher Regional Court of Stuttgart sentenced the main defendant to four years and three months in prison after 91 days of hearings for membership in a terrorist organization abroad and dangerous bodily harm, deprivation of liberty, attempted coercion and attempted extortion. The Turk is said to have headed several PKK regions in Germany as a full-time manager since 2014, including the Stuttgart and Baden-Württemberg areas. The PKK has been banned in Germany since 1993 and is considered a terrorist organization in the European Union. The accomplices received sentences ranging from one and a half years probation to four years in prison.

According to the Higher Regional Court, in April 2018 the perpetrators abducted, abused and threatened death with a former PKK member in the Stuttgart area in order to collect a missing amount of several thousand euros from a donation collection in the Bruchsal area (Karlsruhe district). The victim was kidnapped in a restaurant in the district of Göppingen, where he was questioned and beaten for several hours. The man was released and went to the police.