Munich (dpa / lby) – Due to structural damage to the rotunda, the Pinakothek der Moderne in Munich is currently closed. “We hope it’s only a matter of a few days,” said museum spokeswoman Tine Nehler on Tuesday. The house may be open to visitors again on Wednesday. The “Abendzeitung” and the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” had previously reported on the closure.

It is not the first time that the famous collections cannot be seen due to damage to the rotunda: cracks in the concrete caused the museum, which only opened in 2002, to be temporarily closed in 2007 and 2011/12 – the last time for a good seven months.

That will probably not be necessary this time, because at the moment it is “only” about the glass of the dome building. “There is a risk of glass splinters falling down,” explained Nehler. This became known on Friday evening. “Now we are in the process of making the rotunda safe again for visitors to the Pinakothek der Moderne. That could happen in the form of a construction fence that is put up there.” At a later point in time, a major repair of the multi-layer glass would probably have to be carried out.

For now, however, the team hopes that the doors will open again before the weekend. Because on Saturday the “Long Night of the Museums” takes place in Munich. In addition, a new exhibition should be opened in the graphic collection on Wednesday – which, curiously enough, is called “window cracks”.