Aschau im Chiemgau (dpa / lby) – The criminal police are looking for contact with local citizens after the crime against a 23-year-old student from Upper Bavaria. For three days, there will be a police mobile in front of the town hall in Aschau im Chiemgau, where officials will receive information and advise concerned people.

The young woman had not come home the weekend before last after visiting a disco and hours later was found dead by a passer-by in the Prien.

Until the afternoon on Tuesday, citizens kept coming to the police mobile to find out about the status of the investigation, to give possible information or to share their concerns, said Chief Inspector Karl-Heinz Busch. He appeals to people to share every detail, no matter how insignificant. His impression was that the mood in the community was depressed and insecure. The police will also be on site with the information stand from 9 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday.

The investigation continued on Tuesday. By then, the victim’s jacket and purse had been recovered from the river. A special commission of the criminal police is busy, among other things, viewing photos and videos. An internet portal was set up through which image files can be sent to Soko. In addition, as many as possible of the 600 to 800 visitors who were in the music club in Aschau on the night of October 2nd to 3rd should be located and questioned.