Bad news for Gigi Birofio: The reality star has been infected with Corona. And just before he moved into the jungle camp in Australia. This brings back memories of the fate of another candidate for the RTL show.

The jungle camp is in the starting blocks. A few days ago, the candidates for “I’m a star – get me out of here!” arrived in Australia. Before the camp moves in, all participants are tested for corona as a precaution and must be quarantined for five days in any case. There they can make themselves comfortable in their hotel rooms, relax and eat their fill before the rice and bean diet. During this time, contact is only permitted with the accompanying person you have brought with you.

For Gigi Birofio, however, the stay should be anything but relaxed. Because he has to tremble for his entry into the camp. The corona virus was detected in his first PCR test in Australia, as reported by RTL. And that although the reality star’s test before departure in Germany was still negative.

Instead of having a relaxing time, Birofio now has to remain in self-isolation full of uncertainty and is receiving medical care. According to the broadcaster, the 23-year-old has no complaints. All other stars in Australia and his companion Mike Heiter tested negative.

On January 13th at 9:30 p.m. (live on RTL and RTL ), the German celebrities will be let loose in the jungle. It is still uncertain whether Birofio can perform and live out his announced jungle sex dreams in front of the camera. A similar fate befell Lucas Cordalis last year, who will only be able to take part this year.

In addition to the singer Cordalis, the following candidates are moving into the camp: reality star Cecilia Asoro, radio presenter Verena Kerth, designer Claudia Effenberg, the “Checker vom Neckar” Cosimo Citiolo, actor Martin Semmelrogge, influencer Jolina Mennen, model Tessa Bergmeier, actress, Jana Pallaske, the international top model Papis Loveday and NDW legend Markus Mörl.