Scholarships and study aid from the Ministry of Education and Science for the 2023/24 academic year can now be applied for until May 17.

With a budget of 2,500 million euros, these aids are aimed at students who enroll in the next academic year both at the university and in the different degrees of Vocational Training and Baccalaureate.

The universal subsidy of 400 euros for students with special needs will also be included in this new aid plan.

Applicants who are approved for the scholarship will receive the money in the last quarter of 2023, but it will be between the months of August and September when they will be notified of the acceptance of the grant.

Below we detail the teachings that can receive a study scholarship:

For the teachings indicated above, the following aid may be received in the cases provided for in this royal decree:

a) Fixed amount linked to the applicant’s income: 1,700 euros.

b) Fixed amount linked to the residence of the applicant during the course: it goes from 1,600 euros to 2,500 euros and will benefit 122,000 students. In no case may this amount exceed the actual cost of the service.

c) Basic scholarship: 300 euros. In the case of studying Basic Degree training cycles, this amount will be 350 euros.

d) Fixed amount linked to excellence in academic performance: between 50 and 125 euros with the following distribution:

Average grade of the applicant:

Variable amount: These aids will also be supplemented with a minimum amount of 60 euros depending on the income threshold, residence or if you must reside outside the family home.

In the next academic year 2023/24, the universal subsidy of 400 euros for students with special needs in educational support derived from disability, autism or serious behavioral or language disorders also comes into force.

Students in the second cycle of Infant, Primary, ESO, Baccalaureate and FP will receive it regardless of the level of income or the assets of their parents and it will be added to the aid that only low-income households already receive for education, transportation, dining room, school supplies, residence, pedagogical re-education or language re-education.

In the case of aid for students with specific educational support needs, the call is not yet open. In the 2022-2023 academic year, it was published on May 18, 2022, and the deadline to request the aid was from May 19 to September 30, 2022.

All procedures related to the application for scholarships and aid from the Ministry can be carried out online.

It should be noted that you do not have to present any special document to make the application, except those corresponding to the identification of the applicant for the aid.

The processing of the scholarship request is carried out at the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Culture using one of the two identification options:

This application is free, if the administration grants the aid, it has a period of six months to communicate it. And if there was no response in that time, the help will be denied.

To know the status of aid or the final amount with which you can be awarded a scholarship, you can also do it on the same website of the Ministry.

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