France Télévisions, the French public television, is adapting the novel All this I will give you, by Dolores Redondo, in the form of a series.

Filming of the new series based on the 2016 Planet Award-winning book, already translated into 21 languages, began on March 20 and will last until June 8.

The Château de Valmousse, near Aix-en-Provence, in the Bouches du Rhône region and about 30 kilometers north of the city of Marseille, is the main location for this shoot, which the author will visit shortly, as reported by the Editorial Planeta in a statement.

“There are many readers of this novel in France and the similarities of the territory have allowed this adaptation. It is not at all frequent that foreign novels are adapted in other countries, I feel very honored with this,” Redondo said in this regard.

Likewise, it has influenced that they continue “working in Spain with the original project of All this I will give you, which will be shot in the Ribeira Sacra.”

The adaptation of the novel will have six 52-minute chapters and has had many changes to move it from the original Galician Ribeira Sacra to this other wine-growing area of ​​France, all the work of renowned screenwriters Pascal Fontanille, Françoise Charpiat and Karine Lollichon.

Thus, the French series will be directed by Nicolas Guicheteau and among the producers are Éduoard de Vésinne, Florent Gellie (Incógnita Télévision) and Caroline Dhainaut (Las Niñas Pictures), as well as Anne Holmes and Anna Didier from the French fiction direction from France Televisions.

The actor David Kammenos plays the protagonist, the writer Manuel Ortigosa, one of the few characters who maintain the original name they have in Dolores Redondo’s novel, while the cast is completed by Bruno Solo, Nicole Calfan, Louise Monot and Mélanie Maudran, among others.

All of this will serve to bring the story to life on television in which Redondo introduces Manuel, who comes to recognize the body of her husband, Álvaro, after an accident, and discovers that the investigation into the case has been closed too quickly. .

The rejection of his powerful political family, the Muñiz de Dávila, prompted him to flee but he was held back by the allegation against impunity that Nogueira, a retired civil guard, wields against Álvaro’s family, noblemen rocked by their privileges, and the suspicion of that this is not the first death in his environment that has been masked as accidental. Lucas, a priest who is a childhood friend of Álvaro, joins Manuel and Nogueira in reconstructing the secret life of whom they thought they knew well.

The unexpected friendship of these three men without any apparent affinity helps Manuel navigate between love for who was her husband and the torment of having lived with her back to reality, shielded behind the chimera of her writer’s world. Thus, he will begin the search for the truth, in a place of strong beliefs and deep-rooted customs in which logic never ends to tie all the loose ends.

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