Increases the network of workshops to tailor vehicles to LPG and to get the label ECO can I convert my car to LPG, and achieve the label ECO?The fuel with which you can travel more than 250 km with 15 €

Still need several steps to continue advancing towards a model of energy transition , which affects especially the large cities that do not comply with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). According to data from the Public Health Agency of Barcelona (ASPB), the city of Barcelona enjoys a high level of pollution, up to 98% of the population may be exposed to high levels of particulate matter (PM10), and 68% could be pregnant with high emissions of carbon dioxide (NO2).

to Combat air pollution in the cities is a task of the first order that many countries have decided to cope by limiting the circulation of cars diesel and gasoline. To encourage this model of energy transition, so that it can be done from shape efficient and sustainable at the same time , Primagas, energy supplier company and Spanish subsidiary of the holding company SHV Energy is a world leader in distribution of liquefied gas, bet on the autogas. A fuel that to this day is being used by more than 25 million users all over the world as a form of fuel for their vehicles.

liquefied petroleum gas, a mixture of propane and butane under high pressure and passes from a gaseous state to a liquid, thanks to its infrastructure of supply, their autonomy and flexibility, it becomes a more efficient and sustainable alternative to other fuels, traditional. In addition, it is suitable for many vehicles with combustion engines of passenger cars, vans, buses, recreational boats, and agricultural machinery and industrial.

From Primagas explain the reasons why each day more people decide to bet on autogas:

fuel economy : can Be reduced up to 40% of expenditure on fuel. With autogas are paid only about 22% in taxes, a difference of 53% of the diesel or the 57% that paid for the gasoline. In addition, with autogas it is possible to traverse greater distances with less power.

Savings in the vehicle : Several manufacturers already have their cars to liquefied petroleum gas with more affordable prices that have vehicles with other fuels. In addition, cars with liquefied gas, operate with less oil and dirty unless the engine so that maintenance costs are lower.

The same driving : vehicles with liquefied gas, will combine a gasoline tank and another for autogas, so that it is ready to work with both of them and do not appreciate the changes in the driving.

Use of cleaner energy : The autogas can offer the same services that the gasoline and diesel, but reducing emissions harmful to the environment: in 24% of emissions of CO2 or 85% of nitrogen oxide.

The advantages of owning labels ECO : With autogas, you can have the label ECHO that gives the DGT. With it, you can get tax advantages such as exemption of Registration Tax, discounts on tolls and highways, access to restricted areas in cities such as Madrid Central, or take advantage of plans as Movalt or Movea that encourage the purchase of vehicles.

Improve the quality of the air : The autogas allows to drastically reduce the pollutant emissions resulting from other fuels such as diesel or gasoline, which account for 90% of car purchases that are made on a daily basis.

Refuel at the same places : it Is possible to maintain the same habits of refuelling of diesel or petrol, in the same facility and with the same time spent.

autogas is a safe fuel : vehicles with autogas offer total security. It is not a fuel that is toxic, nor corrosive, nor leaves residues. Meets the same safety standards that the rest of vehicles, and in comparison with petrol and diesel offers a low range of flammability.