The newcomers dish up delicious dishes and the sky is full of violins for most of the farmers in the first hour of the season. Dark clouds are only gathering over the roof of Simmental breeder Michael and his court boy Jan Hendrik.

Little by little, the last farmers join this year’s courtship trip and welcome their ladies who are willing to relate to their farms. One or the other quickly notices that the last experience of togetherness was a long time ago. Organic farmer Martin probably thinks that love matures during work. The Allgäuer offers his lady-in-waiting Carola a paradisiacal panoramic view. But as far as the approach behavior is concerned, there is still a lot of room for improvement in Martin’s orbit. Neither on the “hay spider” under the barn roof nor in the cramped seating area of ​​his steep slope tractor does the farmer dare to make “first contact”. Carola is “frustrated” accordingly: “He has to open up more. So far I haven’t felt anything,” complains the Neubrandenburg native.

Two other newcomers are already making a lot more effort than their colleague in Bavaria. Sheep farmer Tade chose Emely, who also comes from the far north, from all the applicants. The 26-year-old collects the first plus points with a solid picnic in the shade. Shy Maik also lives in Schleswig-Holstein. The excitement is greatest where cows and seagulls say good night. “I’ve never had a real relationship,” admits the 30-year-old beef farmer.

With the help of head matchmaker Inka Bause and Mama, who happily sizzles in the kitchen to celebrate the start of the farm week, this situation is about to change. With chocolates on the pillow, lady-in-waiting Cathrin is to be quickly wrapped around her finger. The affectionate act of greeting is a real hit: “Oh, I love marzipan!” the product manager rejoices. Mama’s roast beef is also a hit, so nothing stands in the way of a perfect start to the farm week. In any case, Maik is blown away by his lady-in-waiting: “Suddenly she was standing there like a splendor in the sunshine!” the farmer cheers.

The first bewitching was long ago on other farms. At home with horse landlord Ulf and nurse cow owner Jörg, everything points to a pink extension of the farm week. With the latter, even Patricia’s son Manuel feels “at home”. The sun shines all day long on cheesemaker Arne’s farm. Antje is happy, Arne is happy and in the legendary “cheese cellar” hundreds of cheese wheels look forward to the ritual “cheese care”. The cheese is massaged with a damp brush – an act that repeatedly puts good Arne in a deeply relaxed state of meditation. In the evening, Arne and Antje end the working day on the cow pasture, sitting on a water tank and cuddling.

Horse management master Loretta and joker Sascha devote themselves to mare breeding. But somehow only the already highly aroused stallion feels like intensive togetherness. The mare, on the other hand, would much rather romp around in the pasture with her foal. Loretta and Sascha quickly put an end to the unsuccessful attempt at mating and devote themselves to tending the moor. The two have just as much fun with the reed mower (“That thing looks like an infernal machine!”) as later on board a two-person canoe.

What remains are Fleckvieh breeder Michael and court boy Jan Hendrik. After a night of drinking in Cologne, the two lovebirds first have to sort out their thoughts. Jan Hendrik in particular begins to ponder. The native South African is no longer so sure whether the open-hearted lifestyle of his dream farmer is compatible with his own, more down-to-earth lifestyle. “I’m very afraid of getting hurt,” sobs Jan Hendrik, while big tears soak the dry and barren banks of the Rhine. Is there still a chance for Arne and Jan Hendrik? Oh, how nice that we are all smarter in 24 hours.

(This article was first published on Monday, November 07, 2022.)